

Primary LanguagePython

Basic DQN

This repo has some basic DQN and Duelling DQN examples.


I use conda to manage virtual environments so you will need Miniconda (or just install all the packages manually). To install the dependencies with conda use:

conda env create -f environment.yml

This way, PyTorch without GPU will be installed. If you have a GPU and want a GPU version, follow these instructions.


There are 2 versions: dqn_cartpole.py is a simple implementation with all the parameters hardcoded and dqn_gym.py where the hyper-parameters are in the external config file, and it also provides implementation for a single hidden layer DQN, two hidden layers DQN, as well as the Duelling DQN.

To run the simple example:

python dqn_cartpole.py

This will train on CartPole-v0, which is a deprecated version of the environment, but it's much easier to solve. With the default hyper-params it should start learning at about 13k frames and it should reach R100 of 195 at about 40k.

OpenAI Gym Environments

dqn_gym.py has the hyper-params are moved to the config file. The config file has 3 sets of parameters, that are selected based on the environment (there is CartPole-v0, CartPole-v1 and LunarLander-v2), controlled by command line argument -e ....

The DQN network structure is controlled by command line argument -n (with choices of single-hidden for a single hidden layer, two-hidden for 2 hidden layers (both for a plain DQN), and duelling-dqn for Duelling DQN).

It also saves the trained model in saved_models/.

python dqn_gym.py -e CartPole-v1 -n two-hidden
python dqn_bym.py -e CartPole-v1 -n duelling-dqn

CartPole-v1 is much more difficult to solve than CartPole-v0, but both d and dd options should do it, although the number of frames may vary greatly. The solved threshold is 475 (which means the R100 needs to reach 475). Both of them also use soft updates of the target network, rather than full update every 1k frames.

The visualizer will open when the R100 reaches 95%.

This is how it looks when it's almost solved:


Values in R100 column are ~447, and the immediate reward in R: is mostly 500 (the highest possible reward). Column Epsilon shows the decaying value of exploration. The pendulum remains upgright for most of the episode.

LunarLander-v2 Environment

python dqn_gym.py -e LunarLander-v2 -n single-hidden
python dqn_gym.py -e LunarLander-v2 -n two-hidden
python dqn_gym.py -e LunarLander-v2 -n duelling-dqn

This is how it looks when it's almost solved:
