
Apply custom CSS styling to your jupyter notebooks

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT


https://travis-ci.org/transcranial/jupyter-themer https://pypi.python.org/pypi/jupyter-themer/0.1.0

Apply custom CSS styling to your jupyter notebooks. Contributions are welcome!

Mix and match themes by:

  • layout (example: wide)


  • typography (example: serif)


  • color (example: night)


You can always revert back to the default:



pip install jupyter-themer


python setup.py install


NOTE: Old ipython configuration files, for example at the default ~/.ipython, may need to be removed in order for jupyter to use the correct files.

usage: jupyter-themer [-c COLOR, --color COLOR]
                      [-l LAYOUT, --layout LAYOUT]
                      [-t TYPOGRAPHY, --typography TYPOGRAPHY]
                      [-f CODE_FONT, --font CODE_FONT]
                      [-b BACKGROUND, --background BACKGROUND]
                      [-s OPTION, --show OPTION]

If no arguments are supplied, the program will revert the jupyter notebook style back to default.

Any combination of the style types can be specified, and the program will mix together the associated color/layout/typographic/code font/background css files accordingly, writing it to the custom.css file used by the notebook.

To get a list of available options use the show argument, e.g. jupyter-themer --show color

For all running notebooks, a quick browser refresh will be needed to apply the stylesheet.

Available themes

-c, --color
  • 3024-day
  • 3024-night
  • abcdef
  • ambiance
  • base16-dark
  • base16-light
  • blackboard
  • cobalt
  • colorforth
  • dracula
  • eclipse
  • elegant
  • erlang-dark
  • icecoder
  • lesser-dark
  • liquibyte
  • material
  • mbo
  • mdn-like
  • midnight
  • monokai
  • neat
  • neo
  • night
  • paraiso-dark
  • paraiso-light
  • pastel-on-dark
  • rubyblue
  • seti
  • solarized-light
  • solarized-dark
  • the-matrix
  • tomorrow-night-bright
  • tomorrow-night-eighties
  • ttcn
  • twilight
  • vibrant-ink
  • xq-dark
  • xq-light
  • yeti
  • zenburn
-l, --layout
  • wide
  • hovertable
-t, --typography
  • serif
-f, --font
  • Ubuntu_Mono
-b, --background
  • dark


MIT License