============================================================= TEPLA Elliptic Curve and Pairing Library

TEPLA (TEPLA Elliptic Curve and Pairing Library) is a free C library providing functions required to develop pairing based cryptographis systems. The aim of TEPLA is to provide a library which can be used in various platform.

TEPLA use GNU MP library and OpenSSL.

TEPLA provide following function

  • Finite Field Arithmetic with 254-bit prime number
  • Elliptic Curve Arithmetic on Barreto-Neahrig Curve.
  • Pairing Arithmetic using Optimal Ate Pairing over BN Curve.

============= Components

File composition is as follows

src : source directory

tepla - ec_lib.c : interfaces of operation function. - hash.c : interfaces of hash function. >> ec_bn254 - bn254_fp.c : prime field. - bn254_fp2.c : quadratic extension field. - bn254_fp6.c : sextic extension field. - bn254_fp12.c : twelvetic extension field. - ec_bn254_fp.c : elliptic curve over prime field. - ec_bn254_fp2.c : twisted elliptic curve over quadratic extension field. - ec_bn254_pairing.c : pairing function. - ec_bn254_lib.c : functions to create a instance of pairing structure. >>> test - test programs (e.g. test_bn254_fp.c, test_bn254_fp12.c)

include : include directory

tepla - ec.h : declaration of curve group, point and pairing structures. - hash.h : declaration hash funtions. >> ec - field.h : declaration of field, element.

sample : sample source

  • sample.c : basic sample code.
  • speed.c : for evaluation of running time.