
PubSub component of TwitchLib.

Primary LanguageC#



TwitchLib repository representing all code belonging to the implementation Twitch's PubSub service.


using System;
using TwitchLib.PubSub;
using TwitchLib.PubSub.Events;

namespace TwitchLibPubSubExample
    class Program
        private static TwitchPubSub client;
        static void Main(string[] args)
            client = new TwitchPubSub();

            client.OnPubSubServiceConnected += onPubSubServiceConnected;
            client.OnListenResponse += onListenResponse;
            client.OnStreamUp += onStreamUp;
            client.OnStreamDown += onStreamDown;


        private static void onPubSubServiceConnected(object sender, EventArgs e)
            // SendTopics accepts an oauth optionally, which is necessary for some topics
        private static void onListenResponse(object sender, OnListenResponseArgs e)
            if (!e.Successful)
                throw new Exception($"Failed to listen! Response: {e.Response}");

        private static void onStreamUp(object sender, OnStreamUpArgs e)
            Console.WriteLine($"Stream just went up! Play delay: {e.PlayDelay}, server time: {e.ServerTime}");

        private static void onStreamDown(object sender, OnStreamDownArgs e)
            Console.WriteLine($"Stream just went down! Server time: {e.ServerTime}");