Pytomation is an extensible device communication and automation system written in Python. It's uses include home automation and lighting control but is certainly not limited to that. It is supported on any platform that support Python ( Windows, Mac OS-X, Linux, etc )
Pytomation currently has support for the following hardware interfaces with more planned in the future.
- Insteon / X10 (2412N, 2412S)
- UPB Universal Powerline Bus (Serial PIM)
- Belkin WeMo WeMo Wifi Switches
- JDS Stargate (RS232 / RS485)
- Radio Thermostat WiFi Enabled Thermostat (CT30)
- Nest Labs Nest thermostat
- Weeder Digital I/O board (Wtdio/RS232)
- Logitech Harmony Universal WiFi Remote (Harmony Ultimate)
- WGL Designs W800RF32 X10 RF receiver (W800/RS232)
- Arduino Uno board (USB)
- X10 CM11a (RS232)
- Mochad X10 CM15 (USB) and CM19 (USB)
- Misterhouse Voice Commands MHSend (TCP)
- Spark I/O WiFi devices
- Z-Wave (Aeon Labs) DSA02203-ZWUS
- Weeder Analog I/O board (Wtaio/RS232)
- Ube Wifi Devices
- CoralStar WiFi Devices
Before you can create an instance and run Pytomation automation software you must satisfy a few dependencies. Pytomation is written in Python and currently has been tested under versions 2.6.x and 2.7.x.
Pytomation also requires the following packages to be installed:
Pyserial - Support for RS232 serial interfaces.
Pyephem - High-precision astronomy computations for sunrise/sunset.
Pytz - World timezone definitions.
Mock - Python testing library.
Git - Version control software.
Debian packages are available for Pyserial and can be installed with :
sudo apt-get install python-serial
or search for python serial in your software manager.
The other pieces can be installed with ""pip". "Pip" is a tool for installing and managing Python packages, such as those found in the Python Package Index.
Again, under Debian distributions you can install the python-pip package:
sudo apt-get install python-pip
Once pip is installed it is easy to install the rest of the dependencies with the following commands.
sudo pip install pytz pyephem mock git
You are now ready to install pytomation. Change into the directory that Pytomation resides in from the git clone command above and run "./". You may have to make it executable with the command chmod +x ./ first. can take an optional argument which points to an alternate installation directory:
./ /some/other/folder/pytomation
The command does the following:
- Confirms where you are installing Pytomation to.
- Makes a "pyto" user and creates the home directory.
- Copies all the necessary files into Pytomations HOME.
- Creates a /usr/bin/ command to start Pytomation.
- Creates an /etc/init.d/pyto script for starting Pytomation on boot.
You are now ready to configure pytomation and create an instance for your devices.