This project is a Studies Management System developed using Flask. It utilizes Docker Compose for easy deployment.
This is the web app deployed on Heroku. You can check it out here use {Username: test, Password: test}. For financial costs the web app won't be hosted all time, instead you can run it locally following the documentation bellow.
- flask: The main Flask application directory.
- static: Contains static files like CSS, JavaScript, and images.
- templates: Holds HTML templates for the Flask application.
- Dockerfile: Docker configuration file for building the Flask application container.
- The main Flask application file.
- Includes forms used in the application.
- requirements.txt: Lists the Python dependencies for the Flask application.
- mysql: Docker directory for MySQL.
- Dockerfile: Docker configuration file for building the MySQL container.
- mydb.sql: SQL script for initializing the MySQL database.
- docker-compose.yml: Docker Compose configuration file.
- This file.
Follow these instructions to set up and run the project.
- Docker: Install Docker.
- Docker Compose: Install Docker Compose.
Clone the repository:
git clone cd studies-management
Build the project using Docker Compose:
docker-compose build
Run the project:
docker-compose up -d
Visit http://localhost:5000 in your web browser to access the Studies Management System.
For the login credentials use { User : taha , Password : mdp}
To stop the application, run:
docker-compose down
If you prefer to set up a MySQL database locally instead of using Docker Compose: Install MySQL (e.g., using XAMPP or directly). Import the database schema using mydb.sql. Update the Flask application configuration in to connect to your local MySQL database. For the login credentials use { User : taha , Password : mdp}
Feel free to contribute by opening issues or submitting pull requests.
This project was created by a team of three students:
Ferhan Taha
- LinkedIn: Ferhan Taha on LinkedIn
Malhouni Youness
- LinkedIn: Malhouni Youness on LinkedIn
Boubnik Badreddine
- LinkedIn: Boubnik Badreddine on LinkedIn
Feel free to connect with us on LinkedIn to learn more about our skills and experiences!