
Beautiful Pie is a Flutter app that displays an interactive pie chart. Users can customize and animate the chart, demonstrating the power and flexibility of Flutter. This project serves as a testbed for Flutter’s capabilities and my skills.

Primary LanguageDart

The Clock Pie Diagram

I had started doing this project when I found myself reaching out to pen and paper to visualize my day in a pie chart type manner.

Moreover, I wanted to learn Flutter, and this seemed like a good project to start with.

However, since I have spent time building the pie chart functionality, I realised that it is actually quite different from a pie chart. More so that it is like a clock.


  • Schema for the events to be visualized.
  • Start with a clock like diagram.
    • Show case division of time.
    • Show case labels for the time.
    • Show case events.
    • When events are overlapping, add another ring.
  • When the user drags from the center, it will show an arc that follows the finger, and snaps to the end of the clock, when released it will create a new event.
    • It will show a ghost of the new event, and the size of the new event will be a selected size.
    • If the arc is not long enough, it will not create a new event.
    • If the arc is close to another event, it will snap to the event.
  • When the user drags from the divider of an event, it will increase the size of the event it is dragging from.
    • If the direction it is dragging is towards another event, it will decrease the size of the event it is dragging to, if they are adjacent.
    • If the direction it is dragging is away from another event, it will increase the size of the event it is dragging to if they are adjacent.
    • If no event is adjacent, it will increase the size of the event it is dragging, filling the space between the event and the next event.
  • The user can tap on an event to select it.
    • When selected, tap and drag the event will allow the user to move the event around the clock.
    • When selected, tap and release on the event again will deselect it.
  • It always shows the time of the event that is selected, being created, or being dragged (and the time of the event it is being dragged to).

Data Structure

The data structure will be a simple list of Event objects. Each Event will have the following properties (inspired by Google Calendar):

  • title - The title of the event.
  • time - The time of the event.
  • duration - The duration of the event.
  • color - The color of the event.
  • location - The location of the event.
  • description - The description of the event.
  • type - The type of the event (e.g. work, personal, etc.).

Beautiful Pie (Initial Plan, now deprecated)

This is a simple app that shows a pie chart with a beautiful animation. The goal is to provide intutive controls and beautiful animations to test the limits of Flutter, and my own coding skills.


It is important to set the scope of this project as it will allow me to both stay on track, and mark it as complete when it is done.

What it will do

  • Renders the pie chart with the appropriate data.
    • Each section is rendered individually.
    • Customization for each section
      • Color
      • Border
      • Size (radius)
      • Label
      • Offset from center (To make it look as if the slice is being selected / differentiated.)
      • A custom widget that can be specified for the section.
  • Animates the pie chart
    • Each section animates individually.
    • Customization for each section
      • Animation duration
      • Animation curve
      • Animation direction (clockwise / counter-clockwise)
  • Controls the pie chart
    • On tap of a section, it will select that section, and differentiate it from the rest.
    • When selected, tap and drag the section will allow the user to move the section around the pie chart.
      • It will show a ghost/ preview of the new pie chart, and the size of the new section will be the same as the original.
    • When selected, tap and release on the section again will deselect it.
    • Tap and drag from the center will show a line that follows the finger, and snap to the end of pie chart, when released it will create a new section.
      • It will show a ghost of the new section, and the size of the new section will be a standard size.
    • Tap and drag from the divider of a section will increase the size of the section it is dragging from, and decrease the size of the section it is dragging to.

Data Structure

The data structure will be a simple list of PieSection objects. Each PieSection will have the following properties:

  • percentage - The percentage of the pie chart that the section will take up.
  • color - The color of the section.
  • border - The border of the section.
  • label - The label of the section.
  • offset - The offset of the section from the center of the pie chart.
  • widget - The widget that will be rendered in the section.