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Beautiful Pie is a Flutter app that displays an interactive pie chart. Users can customize and animate the chart, demonstrating the power and flexibility of Flutter. This project serves as a testbed for Flutter’s capabilities and my skills.
Implementing my knowledge by using Py-Torch framework on one the most famous dataset!
Fractal logic used to develop and design beautiful scenery, special applications for background design in for 2-d side scroller games.
GROW is a web app that helps you track your progress in your personal growth journey. Its fundamental principle is to compete with yourself, not with others.
Exploring data analysis using Python with Jupyter notebooks, Matplotlib, Pandas and NumPy arrays.
We use reinforcement learning to study how language can be used as a tool for agents to accomplish tasks in their environment, and show that structure in the evolved language emerges naturally through iterated learning, leading to the development of compositional language for describing and generalising about unseen objects.
A model which uses your social media posting predict your MBTI personality type.
A named entity recognition system that is flexible and domain-independent by generating labels based on confidence scores. The model, a finetuned Roberta, can identify potential named entities and be customized to fit the needs of various tasks and applications through monitoring and fine-tuning. A Flask app is provided for visualisation.
Extracting all the poems from Poetry Foundation, using Selenium, ,Beautiful Soup and Multiprocessing
TGDivy's Repositories
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