
A todo app using Ember, from the Ember Getting Started Guides.

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Ember Todo MVC

A client-side todo list, built using Ember

Example built from the Ember Getting Started Guide. The app can also been seen at TodoMVC under the Ember app section.

Notes and Takeaways

  • Very opinionated - for example: naming conventions.
  • Does a lot for you out of the box. Builds default routes and controllers, links up a default ArrayController.
  • Very similar to Rails MVC structure.
  • Client side MVC seems less intuitive - that is, it seems to be forced into a mold rather than fitting into it.
  • A lot of dependencies - jQuery, Handlebars & Ember, plus Ember-data for this project.
  • Forces namespacing, which helps keep code clean.
  • Todos and Todo controller is an odd nomenclature - doesn't make sense to me yet.
  • Adding custom actions like isCompleted is not intuitive - seems like these belong in the model, not the controllers.
  • Very powerful for creating slick UI components, like a clear completed button that only pops up once some todos are completed. This would be very hard to do in Rails.