
Surfline API bindings and types in JS

Primary LanguageTypeScript


Surfline API bindings and types in JS with no external dependencies.

The publicly available Surfline API is undocumented, but relatively easy to call. However, the response types are often quite messy, and at times inconsistent.

This library provides more clarity of response types by providing rigorous Typescript bindings for the available Surfline API calls.


$ npm install surfline --save


This library exposes three Surfline API calls:

  1. fetchTaxonomy -- used to fetch location entities
  2. fetchForecast -- used to fetch forecasts for spots
  3. fetchSpotInfo -- used to fetch surf spot information
import {fetchTaxonomy} from 'surfline';
import {fetchEarthTaxonomy} from 'surfline/taxonomy';

fetchTaxonomy({id: <some-id>}).then((res: TaxonomyResponse) => {
  // do something with result...
  // eg. fetch all taxonomies in res.contains

// `fetchEarthTaxonomy` can also be used as a convenient starting point
fetchEarthTaxonomy().then((res: TaxonomyResponse) => { ... })
import {fetchForecast} from 'surfline';

fetchForecast({spotId: <some-spot-id>, type: 'wave'})
  .then((res: WaveForecast) => {
    // do something with result...
import {fetchSpotInfo} from 'surfline';

fetchSpotInfo({spotIds: [...]}).then((res: SpotInfoResponse) => {
  // do something with result...



function fetchTaxonomy(q: TaxonomyQuery): Promise<TaxonomyResponse>

function fetchEarthTaxonomy(q?: {maxDepth: number}): Promise<TaxonomyResponse>

type TaxonomyType = 'spot' | 'subregion' | 'region' | 'geoname';

export type TaxonomyQuery = {
  id: string,

  // Most queries should use `type=taxonomy`
  // If setting `type`, ensure `id` references a taxonomy of that type 
  // (eg. if `type=spot` use `SpotTaxonomy.spot` as id)
  type?: 'taxonomy' | TaxonomyType,

  // `maxDepth` controls how many "levels" of data is returned 
  // eg. if fetching "Earth" taxonomy, a depth of 0 returns continents, 
  // while a depth of 1 returns continents and countries
  maxDepth?: number,

// individual xTaxonomy types omitted... see type files for more details
type Taxonomy = SpotTaxonomy | SubregionTaxonomy | RegionTaxonomy | GeonameTaxonomy;

type TaxonomyResponse = Taxonomy & {
  in: Taxonomy[],
  contains: Taxonomy[],


function fetchForecast<T extends ForecastType>(q: ForecastQuery<T>): Promise<ForecastResponse[T]>

export type ForecastType 
  = 'wind' 
  | 'wave' 
  | 'rating' 
  | 'tides' 
  | 'weather' 
  | 'conditions' 
  // Provides an overview all all other forecasts, 
  // but doesn't give the same level of detail as individual forecasts
  | 'combined';

export type ForecastQuery<T extends ForecastType> = {
  spotId: string,
  type: T,

  // Specifies how far out you want the forecast
  // Some forecasts are limited 6 days max w/o access token
  days?: number,

  // Specifies granularity of data
  // (eg. `intervalHours=3` returns 8 forecast items per day)
  // Ignored for type = `tide` (defaults to 1 hour), and `conditions` (defaults to 12 hours)
  intervalHours?: number,

// individual xForecast types omitted... see type files for more details
export declare interface ForecastResponse {
  wind: WindForecast;
  wave: WaveForecast;
  rating: RatingForecast;
  tides: TideForecast;
  weather: WeatherForecast;
  conditions: ConditionsForecast;
  combined: CombinedForecast;

note: a subset of forecasts are available for subregions via the surfline API, but that is not currently exposed by this library


function fetchSpotInfo({spotIds}: SpotInfoQuery): Promise<SpotInfoResponse>

type SpotInfoQuery = {
  spotIds: string[]

// `SpotInfo` type omitted... see type files for more details
type SpotInfoResponse = {
  associated: {
    units: Units
  data: SpotInfo[]


npm install
npm run build

// or

npm run watch