
Discord bot for ScrimSpace

Primary LanguageJavaScriptGNU General Public License v3.0GPL-3.0


Build Status

ScrimBot is a Bot created for ScrimSpaces' Discord channel to help automate mundane tasks.


If you want to learn more about specific features including what they do, please refer to the Features page on the Wiki.

  • Here should be a list of features for the bot


Commands are listed below. And follow the format of !<base> <command> <args>. E.g. !team create TeamName.

To see all commands, please refer to the Commands page on the Wiki.

Base commands

Base Desc.
help Prints commands the user can use and shows what they do
team Base for all team commands
ping Responds with 'pong'
myid Responds with the ID of the user who executed the command
pullanddeploy Bot will perform a git pull master and restart with the new code
kys Logs the bot out of the server and stop it
cleanup Removes all past messages in a channel.. And I mean all
echo [message] Will print out given message
auth Base for the auth command



You will need to have Node.js installed and Node Package Manager (npm)

If you want to use the sound features and run the REST API on your environment you will need a couple of extra dependencies. One is any version of Visual Studio 2015, this allows you to compile the c++ code that comes with some of the node modules used. Another is OpenSSL, this allows the bot to encrypt and decrypt messages sent to/from the Minecraft scrim servers.


  • Clone the repo from GitHub git clone https://github.com/TGRHavoc/ScrimBot.git (use your repo URL if you've forked it). I would recommend using the SSH protocol as the bot uses the git command when running the pullanddeploy command (using SSH allows you to run the command without entering your details).
  • Install the dependencies npm install (in the same directory as the app.js file) alternatively, you can run the setup_bot.bat batch file.


Change the values in the JSON files in /config and the values within /config/index.js


Before running the bot, make sure you have ran the setup_bot.bat batch file then, you can run the start_bot.bat batch file. Alternatively you can run the command node /lib/app.js with the root directory (the same location as this README).



Before you send a pull request, please make sure you have read the following:

  • Clone the repo
    • This is pretty self-explanatory first thing you need to do is fork the repo.
  • Create a new branch for developing (try to keep the commits to a minimum)
    • Create a new branch that you will keep up-to-date with your progress
    • I'd suggest only committing to this branch when you have a feature fully working and is tested
  • Create a pull request
    • Send a pull request to the main repo (https://github.com/TGRHavoc/ScrimBot) from the branch you created
    • Make sure the pull request clearly explains what you have done and why it was implemented

Author: Jordan Dalton (2016)