
Blazor WASM PWA to show how to solve the Triangle Peg Game

Primary LanguageCSSMIT LicenseMIT

Triangle Peg Game Solver

Blazor WASM PWA to show how to solve the Triangle Peg Game

Tailwind setup

Tailwind has been added to this project following the guides below

To regenerate the css file to include any changes to tailwind, run the following commands:

npm install
npm run build-css-dev

The following command will be run to generate a production css file with any unused styles removed and tailwind css minified

npm run build-css-prod


HeroIcons are used for Iconography. They can be used as Razor components provided by this package: HeroIcons.Blazor

State Management

Advanced state management will us the Flux pattern with the Fluxor package. This tutorial is helpful for learning how this works.