
Performs MCMCglmm on multiple phylogenetic trees

Primary LanguageR


R-CMD-check codecov Project Status: Active - The project has reached a stable, usable state and is being actively developed. DOI

This package is based on the MCMCglmm package and runs a MCMCglmm analysis on multiple trees. This code has been used prior to this package release in Healy et. al. (2014). Please send me an email or a pull request if you find/have any issue using this package.

Check out the presentation of some aspects of the package.

Installing mulTree

## Installing the package
if(!require(devtools)) install.packages("devtools")
install_github("TGuillerme/mulTree", ref = "release")

The following installs the latest released version (see patch notes below). For the piping hot development version (not recommended), replace the ref="release" option by ref="master". If you're using the master branch, see the latest developement in the patch note.

Warning note:

If you're using a PC and the package doesn't install correctly, it might be due to the fact that dependencies are not installed correctly. You can fix buy downloading R's latest version and installing the missing packages manualy:

## Install the missing packages
install.packages(c("MCMCglmm", "coda", "hdrcde", "snow", "ape", "corpcor", "curl"))


Patch notes (latest version)
  • 2020-04-12 - 1.3.7
    • Updated package to R version 3.6.3
    • Updated package to ape version 5.3

Previous patch notes and the next version ones can be seen here.


Thomas Guillerme and Kevin Healy


Eldar Rakhimberdiev, Hugo Gruson.


If you are using this package, please cite (if the DOI is in there, even better!):

Related packages

SIDER R package

Used in

Check out the papers that have cited mulTree since 2014 here (>50):