
Short Specializations - alx-backend-python - Copyright © 2024 ALX, All rights reserved.

Primary LanguagePython


Python Back-end Short Specializations alx-backend-python UnitTests Integration tests

Learning Objectives


At the end of this projects, you are expected to be able to explain to anyone, without the help of Google:

  • Type annotations in Python 3
  • How you can use type annotations to specify function signatures and variable types
  • Duck typing
  • How to validate your code with mypy
  • async and await syntax
  • How to execute an async program with asyncio
  • How to run concurrent coroutines
  • How to create asyncio tasks
  • How to use the random module
  • How to write an asynchronous generator
  • How to use async comprehensions
  • How to type-annotate generators
  • The difference between unit and integration tests.
  • Common testing patterns such as mocking, parametrizations and fixtures


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