
This codes help to generate String Session, Google Drive Rclone and Telegra.ph Token.

Primary LanguagePython

Useful Codes


This codes help to generate 👇

String Session:

Google Drive Rclone:


String Session:


Pyrogram String Session can be generated by https://repl.it/@Guru2509/GenerateStringSession or by running the following commands

pkg install python wget
wget https://raw.githubusercontent.com/guru-25/codes/master/generate_string_session.py
pip install pyrogram tgcrypto
python3 generate_string_session.py

(Use python if python3 doesn't work) and then, paste your API KEY and API HASH there, and use the bot token/phone number and copy the token.

Telethon (user only)

Telethon User String Session can be generated by running the following command, (Just copy + paste in termux and follow the instructions)

pkg install git && pkg install python && pkg install openssl && pip3 install telethon && git clone https://github.com/Guru-25/Codes && cd Codes && bash genString

Pyrogram And Telethon (user only)

Pyrogram or Telethon User String Session can be generated by https://repl.it/@Guru2509/StringSessionGenerator


Full Access

Google Drive Rclone can be generated by https://repl.it/@Guru2509/GenerateDriveToken or by running the following commands

pkg install python wget
wget https://raw.githubusercontent.com/guru-25/codes/master/generate_drive_token.py
pip install oauth2client
python3 generate_drive_token.py

(Use python if python3 doesn't work) and enter your client id, client secret, open the generated link, give authorize and paste the refresh token. Finally copy the generated token.

Specific Folder

Rclone for Google Drive Specific Folder can be generated by running the following commands

pkg install rclone
rclone config
<any name>
<client id>
<client secret>
<folder id>
y/n (y=TeamDrive, n=Drive)
<TeamDrive/Drive name/number>

(You have to give your own details for name, client id, client secret and folder id so that only I have used < >. For (skip) just press the enter key.) and copy the token.

Token Pickle

Download credentials.json from https://console.developers.google.com and rename as credentials.json and move to Download directory. Also download generate_token_pickle.py and move to credentials.json directory and run the following commands

cd /storage/emulated/0/Download
pkg install python
pip install google-api-python-client google-auth-httplib2 google-auth-oauthlib
python3 generate_token_pickle.py

(Use python if python3 doesn't work) Visit the url and give authorization and enter the authorization code. After that check your Download location, token.pickle will be created.



Telegra.ph token can be generated by https://repl.it/@Guru2509/GenerateTelegraphToken or by running the following commands

pkg install python wget
wget https://raw.githubusercontent.com/guru-25/codes/master/generate_telegraph_token.py
pip install telegraph
python3 generate_telegraph_token.py

(Use python if python3 doesn't work) and give any name and copy the token.