- 0
As a developer I want a bug reporting system set up to make fixes easier
#31 opened by BenThomasSutton - 0
As a programmer, I want to define full use cases to ensure that requirements are met.
#19 opened by televisedbrain - 1
As a product owner, I want to create user stories for tasks to make clear the benefits of doing each task.
#15 opened by televisedbrain - 0
- 0
As a product owner, I want to make use of sprint boards to give a clear scope of what is due for when.
#18 opened by televisedbrain - 0
As a researcher, I want a report on all the countries in the world/a continent/ a region from largest to smallest.
#22 opened by THEVlLLAlN - 0
As a researcher I want a report on the top N populated countries in the world/a continent/a region where N is provided by the user.
#23 opened by THEVlLLAlN - 0
As a researcher I want a report on all the cities in the world/a continent/a region/a country/a district organised by largest population to smallest.
#24 opened by THEVlLLAlN - 0
As a researcher I want a report on the top N populated cities in the world/a continent/a region/a country/a district where N is provided by the user.
#25 opened by THEVlLLAlN - 0
As a researcher I want a report on all the capital cities in the world/a continent/a region organised by largest population to smallest.
#26 opened by THEVlLLAlN - 0
As a researcher I want a report on the top N populated capital cities in the world/a continent/a region where N is provided by the user.
#27 opened by THEVlLLAlN - 0
As a researcher I want a report on the population of people, people living in cities, and people not living in cities in each continent/region/country.
#28 opened by THEVlLLAlN - 0
As an HR advisor I want to delete an employee's details so that the company is compliant with data retention legislation.
#8 opened by THEVlLLAlN - 0
As an HR advisor I want to update an employee's details so that employee's details are kept up-to-date.
#7 opened by THEVlLLAlN - 0
As an HR advisor I want to view and employee's details so that the employee's promotion request can be supported.
#6 opened by THEVlLLAlN - 0
As an HR advisor I want to add a new employee's details so that I can ensure the new employee is paid.
#5 opened by THEVlLLAlN - 0
As an HR advisor I want to produce a report on the salary of employees of a given role so that I can support financial reporting of the organisation.
#4 opened by THEVlLLAlN - 0
As an department manager I want to produce a report on the salary of employees in my department so that I can support financial reporting for my department.
#3 opened by THEVlLLAlN - 0
As an HR advisor I want to produce a report on the salary of employees in a department so that I can support financial reporting of the organisation.
#2 opened by THEVlLLAlN - 0
As an HR advisor I want to produce a report on the salary of all employees so that I can support financial reporting of the organisation.
#1 opened by THEVlLLAlN - 0
As a product owner, I want to integrate the project with Zube so that we can use the Kanban features.
#16 opened by televisedbrain - 0
As a scrum master, I want to create use case diagram to give the simplest picture of how the system works.
#20 opened by televisedbrain - 0
As a scrum master, I want to make use of Kanban to ensure we are working through tasks efficiently.
#17 opened by televisedbrain - 1
As a programmer, I want to have draft UI designs to give me an idea of how the program will work.
#14 opened by televisedbrain - 1
As a product owner, I want to create a product backlog so that I can get a clear idea of what needs to be done.
#12 opened by televisedbrain - 1
As a team, we want to create a Github respository to ensure transparency between team members and organise work.
#13 opened by televisedbrain - 1
As a scrum master, I want to set meeting times so that we can be sure everyone is available at the same time.
#11 opened by televisedbrain - 0
As a team member, I want to assign roles so that responsibilities are established.
#9 opened by televisedbrain - 0
As a scrum master, I want to create a code of conduct so that expectations of teammates are clear.
#10 opened by televisedbrain