
Conner Bot for Discord. Python version.

Primary LanguagePython


As of 2019, ConnerBot and cServices have ceased operations and are no longer operational. Thank you to everyone who gave these projects over the years. This code and others may be outdated and require updating.


Conner Bot for Discord. Python version. This project requires Linux, preferrably Ubuntu. If you are not running Linux, STOP! Conner Bot WILL NOT run. Note: the main bot and the quote module can be run on Windows using the Ubuntu subsystem. The Leaderboard module must be hosted on a 64-bit Ubuntu server (not including Ubuntu subsystem).


Part 1- Installing Python and tools

user@example:/$ is just to show the terminal, copy/paste the stuff after that

user@example:/$ sudo add-apt-repository ppa:jonathonf/python-3.6
user@example:/$ sudo apt-get update
user@example:/$ sudo apt-get install python3.6
user@example:/$ wget https://bootstrap.pypa.io/get-pip.py
user@example:/$ sudo python3.6 get-pip.py
user@example:/$ sudo pip3.6 install virtualenv
user@example:/$ virtualenv -p python3.6 venv
user@example:/$ source venv/bin/activate
user@example:/$ pip install discord uvloop

Note that you will need to run source venv/bin/activate every time you want to run Conner Bot if venv isn't already loaded You could also use python3.6 but why would you do that?

Part 2- Clone the repository

user@example:/$ git clone https://github.com/THEWHITEBOY503/ConnerBot.git
user@example:/$ cd ConnerBot

Part 3- Setting up Conner Bot

make sure you are in the ConnerBot directory

user@example:/$ nano main.py

at the bottom of the file, you will find a token section. Put your bots token there. Save and exit

Part 4- Getting the weather module updater

make sure you are in the ConnerBot directory

user@example:/$ nano weatherupdate

once in, type this

cd ~
cd ConnerBot
watch -n 1800 wget wttr.in/plano.png -O weather.png

Note: where plano.png is replace plano with your city name. Save and exit.

user@example:/$ chmod 755 weatherupdate

(Optional) Part 5- Fun Fact quote module

user@example:/quotemod/$ cd quotemod
user@example:/quotemod/$ sudo apt-get install node.js
user@example:/quotemod/$ sudo apt-get install npm
user@example:/quotemod/$ npm install discord.js
user@example:/quotemod/$ npm install infinite-loop
user@example:/quotemod/$ nano config.json

edit accordingly

Part 6- Running Conner Bot

In one window:

user@example:/$ python main.py

If all goes according to plan, you should see "Starting Conner Bot" on your terminal. In another window:

user@example:/$ ./weatherupdate

this is for the weather updater

If you are going to run the quote/fun fact module, run this in another window:

user@example:/$ cd quotemod
user@example:/quotemod/$ node quote.js

This is for the fun fact module

Great! You've gotten your very own ConnerBot clone up and running! Cool! BUT WAIT, THERES MORE! You need to set up leveling. Click here for a guide on how to do so