This project contains a basic Terraform project to be used as a reference, for fun.
Check out gcp/ for a listing of all resources, but roughly this will create a compute instance in a vpc with a public ip, and a storage bucket.
Get some high level experience with some new-to-me technologies while re-enforcing some existing ones.
- Google Cloud Platform
- Storage
- Compute
- gcloud
- Terraform
- VS Code Plugin
- Helm
- Requires
- gcp account
- gcp project
- kubectl
- helm
- gcloud installed
- Recommended VS Code Plugin for Terraform
- Manually create a project (using terraform-288015 as a stand-in below, can't provision projects without an org so this can't be dynamic)
- Enable the following API:
- Compute Engine
- Kubernetes API
- Kubernetes Engine AP
- Cloud Resource Manager
- Create a service account with "Project Editor" permission
- Create a json key for the service account (named gcp.key in below examples)
(note: substitute your project name below instead of terraform-288015)
cd gcp
# get th ball rolling
terraform init
# Record the changes required
terraform plan -out plan
# Apply the plan
terraform apply plan
# See the results of the compute provisioner, this file will record when ip are associated
cat .\ip_address.txt
# Refresh the outputs
terraform refresh
# Display the outputs
terraform output
gcloud config set project terraform-288015
gcloud container clusters get-credentials test-cluster --zone us-east1-d
# Tear it all down
terraform destroy
Up next, let's get a basic cluster running up in GKE with a simple flask app running.