
Remove Rude Redirects, That Are Hidden in OnMouseDown Events And That Are Modifying The HREF Property On-The-Fly. Common In All Of Google-Search, Outbrain And Taboola Crappy Recommendations, The Extension Also Tells You How-Much Redirects Were Hidden In The Page And Were Removed :]

Primary LanguageJavaScriptCreative Commons Zero v1.0 UniversalCC0-1.0


A Complementary Chrome-Extension For uBlock Origin and AdBlock

Remove Redirects, That Are Hidden in OnMouseDown Events And That Are Modifying The HREF Property On-The-Fly. Common In All Of Google-Search, Outbrain And Taboola Crappy Recommendations, The Extension Also Tells You How-Much Redirects Were Hidden In The Page And Were Removed :]

This Extension Is A Great Way To Protect Your Privacy.

###If You Like It, Show It, By A Small Donation Using PayPal. Thank You.

Developer's HUB / Changelog
+ error handling
* adding prototyping for browser compatibility.
* tag-number updated instead of overriding it.
* operation-flag renamed.
+ rebrand.
* project architecture, support execution on pages with and without JavaScript support, no code-duplication using the scope of the chrome-extension.
* engine upgrade, early start even before all text-content written (for large pages). including improved heuristics on every rule, especially for pages with no-javascript, and asynchronous code-block execution after DOM-nodes modifications.
* updating identification rules for twitter links, to a wider match, include a fix for URLs with a missing protocol.
* engine update: improving identifying elements with invalid-href attribute.
+ engine upgrade: replace short-links in instagram and twitter ("t.co/...") with real-links!
+ handling static Google-redirect-url ("/url?q=...[real URL here]...&...") used (usually)
  on pages without JavaScript.
* project structure change, providing overall performances improvement.
+ adding another nasty way some websites changes the URL by directly modifying window.location.
* modify structure, improving the window/self isolation, since the algorithm runs in
  each frame in the page, thus addressing only a specific global-scope.
* improving overall algorithm speed, by running DOM-heavy-operations on synchronously-pool.
- removing project load on idle state (window.load) in favor of end state (DOMContentLoaded) 
+ adding repeat fix, for pesky websites that overwrite the fix :]
- removing handling the request-headers at all(!)
  Since Google-Chrome only allows a single-extension to handle each header(s),
  trying to modify a request-header that has changed by another extension will either break
  this or the other extension.
- (as a result) removing some extension permissions, now unneeded.
- (as a result) removing some project resources, now unneeded.
* project load state: repeating the fix, on page's loading-states, for dynamic websites.
* updating main-query's efficiency, targeting link-like elements,
  with 'href' attributes only, to avoid div with 'window.open' actions.
+ try/catch to avoid errors when user close a tab midpoint loading, on header-modification phase.
+ handling "Google-Images", providing direct access to either original page or original image,
  this significantly accelerating the entire Google-Images page! hurrah!
* updating main-query, to handle common cases where 
  'window.open' overrides default click (click jacking),
  protecting against pop-up in many malicious websites.
- removing permissions: declarativeWebRequest, gcm, activeTab,
  experimental, webNavigation, nativeMessaging, 
  used by my extension-template.
* update conditions, to handle pages where elements were 
  placed in improper locations (for example not BODY)
* updated GitHub project URL.
+ basic Google-Search redirect events cleanup.
+ header modification to allow running cleanup on every page.