
Kaggle | Instacart Market Basket Analysis🥕🥉

Primary LanguagePython

Instacart Market Basket Analysis

My solution for the Instacart Market Basket Analysis competition hosted on Kaggle.

The Task

The dataset is an open-source dataset provided by Instacart (source)

This anonymized dataset contains a sample of over 3 million grocery orders from more than 200,000 Instacart users. For each user, we provide between 4 and 100 of their orders, with the sequence of products purchased in each order. We also provide the week and hour of day the order was placed, and a relative measure of time between orders.

Below is the full data schema (source)

orders (3.4m rows, 206k users):

  • order_id: order identifier
  • user_id: customer identifier
  • eval_set: which evaluation set this order belongs in (see SET described below)
  • order_number: the order sequence number for this user (1 = first, n = nth)
  • order_dow: the day of the week the order was placed on
  • order_hour_of_day: the hour of the day the order was placed on
  • days_since_prior: days since the last order, capped at 30 (with NAs for order_number = 1)

products (50k rows):

  • product_id: product identifier
  • product_name: name of the product
  • aisle_id: foreign key
  • department_id: foreign key

aisles (134 rows):

  • aisle_id: aisle identifier
  • aisle: the name of the aisle

deptartments (21 rows):

  • department_id: department identifier
  • department: the name of the department

order_products__SET (30m+ rows):

  • order_id: foreign key
  • product_id: foreign key
  • add_to_cart_order: order in which each product was added to cart
  • reordered: 1 if this product has been ordered by this user in the past, 0 otherwise

where SET is one of the four following evaluation sets (eval_set in orders):

  • "prior": orders prior to that users most recent order (~3.2m orders)
  • "train": training data supplied to participants (~131k orders)
  • "test": test data reserved for machine learning competitions (~75k orders)

The task is to predict which products a user will reorder in their next order. The evaluation metric is the F1-score between the set of predicted products and the set of true products.

The Approach

The task was reformulated as a binary prediction task: Given a user, a product, and the user's prior purchase history, predict whether or not the given product will be reordered in the user's next order. In short, the approach was to fit a variety of generative models to the prior data and use the internal representations from these models as features to second-level models.

First-level models

The first-level models vary in their inputs, architectures, and objectives, resulting in a diverse set of representations.

  • Product RNN/CNN (code): a combined RNN and CNN trained to predict the probability that a user will order a product at each timestep. The RNN is a single-layer LSTM and the CNN is a 6-layer causal CNN with dilated convolutions.
  • Aisle RNN (code): an RNN similar to the first model, but trained at the aisle level (predict whether a user purchases any products from a given aisle at each timestep).
  • Department RNN (code): an RNN trained at the department level.
  • Product RNN mixture model (code): an RNN similar to the first model, but instead trained to maximize the likelihood of a bernoulli mixture model.
  • Order size RNN (code): an RNN trained to predict the next order size, minimizing RMSE.
  • Order size RNN mixture model (code): an RNN trained to predict the next order size, maximizing the likelihood of a gaussian mixture model.
  • Skip-Gram with Negative Sampling (SGNS) (code): SGNS trained on sequences of ordered products.
  • Non-Negative Matrix Factorization (NNMF) (code): NNMF trained on a matrix of user-product order counts.

Second-level models

The second-level models use the internal representations from the first-level models as features.

  • GBM (code): a lightgbm model.
  • Feedforward NN (code): a feedforward neural network.

The final reorder probabilities are a weighted average of the outputs from the second-level models. The final basket is chosen by using these probabilities and choosing the product subset with maximum expected F1-score.


64 GB RAM and 12 GB GPU (recommended), Python 2.7

Python packages:

  • lightgbm==2.0.4
  • numpy==1.13.1
  • pandas==0.19.2
  • scikit-learn==0.18.1
  • tensorflow==1.3.0