
Reproducing the results.

Closed this issue · 4 comments

I reproduce the results using provided sctips and I got below results.
It looks like the results are different that I expected from the paper.

Reported Main Paper (Table 1) [IoU75 | 5° 2 cm | 5° 5 cm | 10° 2 cm | 10° 5 cm]
SPD: 27.0 (26.5) | 19.1 (19.1) | 21.2 (21.2) | 43.5 (42.3) | 54.0 (54.0)
SPD + Ours 43.6 (37.7) | 45.8 (43.3) | 54.4 (53.8) | 61.4 (54.9) | 73.1 (73.5)

My reproduced results are in the bracket (). I observed that the IoU75 and 10° 2 cm metrics shows large gap between reported and reproduced results. I also share my logs. Is there anything I missed to get the reported result??


[1220_190029 core.catre.engine.catre_custom_evaluator@84]: load gts of nocs_test_real
100%|##########| 2754/2754 [00:00<00:00, 24369.44it/s]
2754it [00:36, 75.57it/s] 
[1220_190106 core.catre.engine.catre_custom_evaluator@318]: 
objects   bottle  bowl    camera  can    laptop  mug    Avg(6)
IoU25     53.25   99.95   85.12   70.47  84.46   86.64  79.98
IoU50     49.89   99.95   43.37   69.95  82.04   62.66  67.97
IoU75     13.09   77.13   3.38    29.77  35.48   0.00   26.48
re5te2    21.59   50.54   0.00    37.90  4.56    0.01   19.10
re5te5    23.18   54.00   0.00    42.69  7.04    0.24   21.19
re10te2   69.44   75.82   0.18    80.43  24.54   3.22   42.27
re10te5   75.95   80.30   0.20    91.59  65.31   10.42  53.96
re10te10  87.05   80.30   0.20    91.59  65.90   10.42  55.91
re5       35.87   54.00   0.02    45.49  7.06    0.24   23.78
re10      91.90   80.30   0.45    91.73  65.98   10.42  56.80
te2       80.66   94.69   34.76   87.05  29.05   26.18  58.73
te5       88.22   100.00  94.65   99.92  94.37   97.89  95.84

[1220_190258 core.catre.engine.catre_custom_evaluator@221]: Eval recalls of results at iter=4...
2754it [00:37, 72.97it/s] 
[1220_190336 core.catre.engine.catre_custom_evaluator@318]: 
objects   bottle  bowl    camera  can    laptop  mug    Avg(6)
IoU25     55.95   99.95   90.26   70.54  84.89   99.06  83.44
IoU50     49.51   99.95   67.78   70.33  82.76   87.53  76.31
IoU75     24.86   90.78   5.12    34.85  68.96   1.62   37.70
re5te2    49.35   90.84   0.98    64.30  52.05   2.39   43.32
re5te5    54.38   95.13   1.05    78.58  79.55   13.79  53.75
re10te2   85.47   95.19   4.45    83.19  55.60   5.49   54.90
re10te5   92.10   100.00  5.72    99.65  91.90   52.02  73.56
re10te10  99.92   100.00  5.83    99.69  93.13   52.20  75.13
re5       84.63   95.30   1.06    80.52  79.89   13.87  59.21
re10      99.92   100.00  5.93    99.69  93.13   52.20  75.14
te2       85.47   95.19   47.64   83.19  56.13   8.24   62.64
te5       92.22   100.00  92.84   99.92  94.72   99.09  96.47

I think the problem might lie in the data processing.

FYI, this is my log file

You can verify this assumption by replacing your cached nocs_test dataset file with mine.

@shanice-l Thanks for your quick reply. I checked quickly using your cache files but got errors during loading the depth. As you pointed out, I think I need to check the data processing again. I will try again and share the results.

AttributeError: Caught AttributeError in DataLoader worker process 0.
Original Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/home/miruware/anaconda3/envs/catre/lib/python3.7/site-packages/torch/utils/data/_utils/", line 287, in _worker_loop
    data = fetcher.fetch(index)
  File "/home/miruware/anaconda3/envs/catre/lib/python3.7/site-packages/torch/utils/data/_utils/", line 49, in fetch
    data = [self.dataset[idx] for idx in possibly_batched_index]
  File "/home/miruware/anaconda3/envs/catre/lib/python3.7/site-packages/torch/utils/data/_utils/", line 49, in <listcomp>
    data = [self.dataset[idx] for idx in possibly_batched_index]
  File "/home/miruware/ssd_4tb/workspace/CATRE/core/catre/../../core/catre/datasets/", line 866, in __getitem__
    return self.read_data(dataset_dict)
  File "/home/miruware/ssd_4tb/workspace/CATRE/core/catre/../../core/", line 95, in read_data
    return self.read_data_test(dataset_dict)
  File "/home/miruware/ssd_4tb/workspace/CATRE/core/catre/../../core/catre/datasets/", line 712, in read_data_test
    depth = load_depth(depth_path)  # uint16
  File "/home/miruware/ssd_4tb/workspace/CATRE/core/catre/../../core/utils/", line 450, in load_depth
    if len(depth.shape) == 3:
AttributeError: 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'shape'

Thanks, @shanice-l, I got similar results reported in the paper. I also left my logs for future people.
In my case, I don't known exact the reason why it didn't work before, but when I reset all the data processes and downloaded nocs_results from here, #6 (comment), work for me.

[IoU75 | 5° 2 cm | 5° 5 cm | 10° 2 cm | 10° 5 cm]
SPD + Ours 43.6 (44.0) | 45.8 (46.1) | 54.4 (54.8) | 61.4 (61.8) | 73.1 (73.6)

My reproduced results are in the bracket ().


[1221_172940 core.catre.engine.catre_custom_evaluator@221]: Eval recalls of results at iter=4...
2754it [00:35, 77.98

[1221_173016 core.catre.engine.catre_custom_evaluator@318]: 
objects   bottle  bowl    camera  can    laptop  mug    Avg(6)
IoU25     55.95   99.95   90.40   70.54  84.81   99.22  83.48
IoU50     49.47   99.95   67.78   70.33  82.80   90.82  76.86
IoU75     24.37   91.60   5.22    33.97  68.77   39.82  43.96
re5te2    53.01   92.25   0.37    64.86  52.27   13.92  46.11
re5te5    57.77   96.95   0.49    79.31  79.68   14.82  54.84
re10te2   86.07   95.17   3.95    82.77  55.63   47.45  61.84
re10te5   92.10   100.00  5.42    99.65  91.99   52.60  73.62
re10te10  99.92   100.00  5.55    99.69  93.11   52.62  75.15
re5       82.82   97.07   0.49    81.43  79.91   14.82  59.42
re10      99.92   100.00  5.60    99.69  93.11   52.62  75.16
te2       86.07   95.17   47.50   82.77  56.19   83.09  75.13
te5       92.22   100.00  92.78   99.92  94.98   99.67  96.59