
This is a repo listing some must-read papers on *AI-driven MOOCs* or *Intelligent Education* published in recent years, mainly contributed by the MOOC team members at Knowledge Engineering Group ([KEG](http://keg.cs.tsinghua.edu.cn/)) of Tsinghua University.

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This is a repo listing some must-read papers on AI-driven MOOCs or Intelligent Education published in recent years, mainly contributed by the MOOC team members at Knowledge Engineering Group (KEG) of Tsinghua University.

Conference papers

Pedagogical Theory


  1. Learning in MOOCs: Motivations and Self-regulated Learning in MOOCs. [paper]

  2. Understanding Student Motivation, Behaviors and Perceptions in MOOCs. [paper]

  3. Understanding MOOC Students: Motivations and Behaviours Indicative of MOOC Completion. [paper]


  1. Exploring Sequences of Learner Activities in Relation to Self-regulated Learning in a Massive Open Online Course. [paper]

  2. Investigating How Student's Cognitive Behavior in MOOC Discussion Forums Affect Learning Gains. [paper]

  3. Patterns of Engagement in Connectivist MOOCs. [paper]

  4. Visualizing Patterns of Student Engagement and Performance in MOOCs. [paper]


  1. Exploring the Factors Affecting MOOC Retention: A Survey Study. [paper]

  2. Content or Platform: Why do Students Complete MOOCs. [paper]

  3. Context Counts: How Learners' Contexts Influence Learning in a MOOC. [paper]

Student Behavior Modeling

  1. Relaxed Clustered Hawkes Process for Student Procrastination Modeling in MOOCs. (AAAI 2021) [paper]

  2. Understanding Dropouts in MOOCs. (AAAI 2019) [paper]

Educational Recommendation

  1. Hierarchical Reinforcement Learning for Course Recommendation in MOOCs. (AAAI 2019) [paper]

  2. Attentional Graph Convolutional Networks for Knowledge Concept Recommendation in MOOCs in a Heterogeneous View. (SIGIR 2020) [paper]

Knowledge / Concept Mining

  1. Course Concept Expansion in MOOCs with External Knowledge and Interactive Game. (ACL 2019) [paper]

  2. Key Phrase Extraction for Generating Educational Question-Answer Pairs. (L@S 2019) [paper]

  3. Concept Extraction and Prerequisite Relation Learning from Educational Data. (EAAI 2019) [paper]

  4. Course Concept Extraction in MOOC via Explicit/Implicit Representation. [paper]

  5. A novel cluster-based approach for keyphrase extraction from MOOC video lectures. [paper]

  6. LVTIA: A new method for keyphrase extraction from scientific video lectures. [paper]

  7. TripleRank: An unsupervised keyphrase extraction algorithm. [paper]

  8. KP-Rank: a semantic-based unsupervised approach for keyphrase extraction from text data. [paper]

  9. ONE2SET: Generating Diverse Keyphrases as a Set. (ACL 2021) [paper]

  10. Automatic Concept Extraction for Domain and Student Modeling in Adaptive Textbooks. [paper]

  11. SemKeyphrase: An Unsupervised Approach to Keyphrase Extraction from MOOC Video Lectures. [paper]

  12. MAssistant: A Personal Knowledge Assistant for MOOC Learners. (EMNLP Demo 2019) [paper]

Question Generation

  1. Educational Question Generation of Children Storybooks via Question Type Distribution Learning and Event-centric Summarization. (ACL 2022) [paper]

  2. A Feasibility Study of Answer-Unaware Question Generation for Education. (ACL 2022) [paper]

  3. Question Generation for Adaptive Education. (ACL 2021) [paper]

  4. Asking Questions Like Educational Experts: Automatically Generating Question-Answer Pairs on Real-World Examination Data. (EMNLP 2021) [paper]

  5. Asking the Crowd: Question Analysis, Evaluation and Generation for Open Discussion on Online Forums. (ACL 2019) [paper]

  6. Deep Discourse Analysis for Generating Personalized Feedback in Intelligent Tutor Systems. (EAAI 2021) [paper]

  7. QG-Net: A Data-Driven Question Generation Model for Educational Content. (L@S 2018) [paper]

  8. RevUP: Automatic Gap-Fill Question Generation from Educational Texts. (ACL Workshop 2015) [paper]

  9. A Comparative Study on Question-Worthy Sentence Selection Strategies for Educational Question Generation. (AIED 2019) [paper]

  10. Optimization of an Automated Examination Generation System Using Hybrid Recurrent Neural Network. [paper]

  11. Leaf: Multiple-Choice Question Generation. [paper]

  12. A Systematic Review of Automatic Question Generation for Educational Purposes. [paper]

Question Answering

  1. Chatbot: An Education Support System for Student. [paper]

  2. Jill Watson: A Virtual Teaching Assistant for Online Education. [paper]

  3. XiaoMu: an AI-driven assistant for MOOCs. [paper]

  4. Selection-based Question Answering of an MOOC. [paper]

  5. Employing Community Question Answering for Online Discussions in University Courses: Students’ Perspective. [paper]

  6. Exploring Automated Question Answering Methods for Teaching Assistance. (AIED 2020) [paper]

  7. Curio SmartChat : A system for Natural Language Question Answering for Self-Paced K-12 Learning. (ACL Workshop 2019) [paper]

  8. Enhancing Education System with a Q&A Chatbot: A Case Based on Open edX Platform. [paper]

  9. A Question Answering and Quiz Generation Chatbot for Education. [paper]

Learning Analytics

  1. A Serial Mediation Model of the Relationship Between Suppression Emotion-regulation Tendency and Outcomes of MOOC Learning by Chinese University Students: The Role of Cognitive Appraisals, Boredom, and Behavioral Avoidance. [paper]

  2. Large Scale Analytics of Global and Regional MOOC Providers: Differences in Learners’ Demographics, Preferences, and Perceptions. [paper]

  3. Revealing the Regulation of Learning Strategies of MOOC Retakers: A Learning Analytic Study. [paper]

  4. Key Factors in MOOC Pedagogy Based on NLP Sentiment Analysis of Learner Reviews: What Makes a Hit. [paper]

  5. Untangling Chaos in Discussion Forums: A Temporal Analysis of Topic-relevant Forum Posts in MOOCs. [paper]

  6. Taking Action to Reduce Dropout in MOOCs: Tested Interventions. [paper]

  7. How Do We Model Learning at Scale? A Systematic Review of Research on MOOCs. [paper]

  8. Multimedia Design for Learning: An Overview of Reviews With Meta-Meta-Analysis. [paper]

  9. Research on the Mechanism of Knowledge Diffusion in the MOOC Learning Forum using ERGMs. [paper]

  10. Exploring the Structural Relationships Between Course Design Factors, Learner Commitment, Self-directed Learning, and Intentions for Further Learning in a Self-paced MOOC. [paper]


  1. MOOCCube: A Large-scale Data Repository for NLP Applications in MOOCs. (ACL 2020) [paper]

  2. LearningQ: a Large-scale Dataset for Educational Question Generation. (ICWSM 2018) [paper]

  3. Towards Automatic Generation of Questions from Long Answers. (arxiv) [paper]


If you find any errors in the above information, please let us know in Issues. Pull requests are welcomed for adding papers.


Jifan Yu, Yuquan Wang, Qingyang Zhong, Kai Sun, Yexing Du, Shangqing Tu, Mengying Lu, Zheyuan Zhang, Xiaoya Li, Zhengshan Liao.