- 0
[BUG/Help] <title>ptuning微调后想要在此基础上进一步微调
#635 opened by fan-xh - 2
- 4
[BUG/Help] <pytorch_model.bin don't exists>
#660 opened by sc-carson - 0
[BUG/Help] 用vllm 起INT4量化版本的模型报错 类型不匹配 self_attention.dense.weight int4 shape [4096,2048] mismatch fp16 shape [4096, 4096]
#680 opened by yjjiang11 - 0
[BUG/Help] <title>运行api.py报错
#679 opened by cqray1990 - 0
- 5
[BUG/Help] cannot import name '_sentencepiece' from partially initialized module 'sentencepiece'
#662 opened by mericalandintent - 1
- 0
[Help] 我在把项目fork下来之后,替换为我自己的接口,用axios不是fetch,我可以确定的是接口是正常的流式返回,但是在本地跑的时候,调用这个接口会显示一次性返回,不是流式输出,我看了头信息都是没有问题的,但是部署在服务器中是没有问题的,是因为什么呢,要怎样解决呢,希望得到作者或者同行的帮助,谢谢
#676 opened by wisdomlsh - 0
[BUG/Help] <title>peft , deepspeed 下 p-tuning , AttributeError: 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'shape'
#675 opened by xxhh1212 - 0
[Help] <title>关于微调ptuning不能达到训练集的效果,且不破坏原有结构实验
#674 opened by Bingoyww - 0
[BUG/Help] <title>python3.7 报错cannot set version_counter for inference tensor
#673 opened by mxldjt - 0
运行python cli_demo.py报错
#671 opened by mxldjt - 0
[BUG/Help]UnstructuredFileLoade 读取 txt 文件 报错: zipfile.BadZipFile: File is not a zip file
#670 opened by PedroNeal - 0
[BUG/Help] <title>最后运行的时候出现这个问题,不知道怎么解决
#669 opened by Oraclty - 1
[Help] 6b-int4 lora 微调使用 adam 优化器时梯度爆炸
#652 opened by wizardforcel - 0
Unable to load weights from pytorch checkpoint file for '/home/qianlab03/rjs/Langchain-Chatchat-0.2.7/chatglm2-6b/pytorch_model-00001-of-00007.bin
#668 opened by iaoxuesheng - 0
[BUG/Help] 为什么chatglma2量化后weight的size会改变<title>
#667 opened by Paradise59 - 0
[BUG/Help] <title>按照官方给出的多轮问答数据集构建问答数据之后,运行脚本命令出现Traceback (most recent call last): File "/mnt/ChatGLM2-6B/ptuning/", line 411, in <module> main() File "/mnt/ChatGLM2-6B/ptuning/", line 229, in main train_dataset = File "/root/anaconda3/envs/GLM2/lib/python3.9/site-packages/datasets/", line 592, in wrapper out: Union["Dataset", "DatasetDict"] = func(self, *args, **kwargs) File "/root/anaconda3/envs/GLM2/lib/python3.9/site-packages/datasets/", line 557, in wrapper out: Union["Dataset", "DatasetDict"] = func(self, *args, **kwargs) File "/root/anaconda3/envs/GLM2/lib/python3.9/site-packages/datasets/", line 3180, in map with Pool(len(kwargs_per_job)) as pool:
#666 opened by nevesaynever1 - 0
#665 opened by nevesaynever1 - 0
[BUG/Help] <title>chatglm2首token时延增长随输入长度成倍快速增长
#664 opened by woaipichuli - 0
[友情链接] <Colossal-AI加速ChatGLM2>
#663 opened by Yanjia0 - 1
[Help] chatGLM2-6B是否支持直接注入整篇文档进行微调,如果支持怎么处理
#655 opened by wangfenglei-hehe - 2
- 0
#659 opened by fxb392 - 1
[BUG/Help] <title>微调后为什么聊着聊着说我chatbot为空
#658 opened by LeoQianQY - 0
[BUG/Help] <title>如何通过API来调用ChatGLM?
#657 opened by 20130216 - 1
[Help] <title>用lora微调遇到这个问题RuntimeError: Expected to mark a variable ready only once.
#645 opened by wfllyzh - 3
[Help] 请问如何能做到微调过程中不保存早期的checkpoint
#654 opened by ybdesire - 1
#633 opened by 31-ryougishiki - 0
[BUG/Help] <title> ptuning的时候可以自定义loss吗?
#656 opened by hhy150 - 2
#651 opened by Congcong-Song - 0
[BUG/Help] <title>训练数据时显示ValueError: None is not in list,尝试过自己的json文件和AdvertiseGen提供的json文件
#653 opened by Siqi-c - 1
- 1
[BUG/Help] Nonetype bug for build_stream_inputs
#650 opened by Dinghow - 0
- 0
[Help] 请问ChatGLM2-6B 目前是否通过**相关部门的安全审查
#648 opened by fengbrute - 0
[BUG/Help] <title>6b-chat基模型输出bug
#647 opened by HaomingX - 0
[BUG/Help] <title>如何对微调前的模型进行推理
#644 opened by DOVEEEEEEEEEEEEE - 1
[BUG] `Both max_new_tokens and max_length seem to have been set` warning trigger
#639 opened by callanwu - 0
- 0
[Help] chatglm2是否有类似openai中stop的接口
#637 opened by dbtzy - 0
- 1
[BUG/Help] <title> 求可以下载chatglm2-6b-32k chatglm2-6b-base chatglm2-12b-base大模型文件的国内网盘
#634 opened by 20130216 - 0
- 1
[BUG/Help] <title>没法git clone 试了很多次无果。抓狂中。。。
#629 opened by 20130216 - 0
[Feature] 麻烦自己怎么离线量化呢?有方法吗
#628 opened by lonngxiang - 0
[Help] 模型在推理时是否存在记忆?
#626 opened by CoderHiro - 0
[Help] 请问api.py中的max_length参数具体指的是什么length
#627 opened by zhengyangyong - 0
UnicodeDecodeError: 'utf-8' codec can't decode byte 0xce in position 5811: invalid continuation byte
#625 opened by 123eye