- 1
Please help resolve the problem when the code was running on CUDA11.1 , DGL 0.7,
#23 opened by xdjwolf - 0
no edge label for the datasets?
#27 opened by lihuiliullh - 1
how to unzip small.bin
#26 opened by lihuiliullh - 0
- 3
When I run the algorithm get an error: "OSError: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory"
#19 opened by Austinzhenghua - 0
#22 opened by HeSasa - 0
- 2
#20 opened by wangzeyu135798 - 0
Questions about pretraining subgraphs
#14 opened by Kqiii - 2
About downstream datasets
#18 opened by flyz1 - 1
#17 opened by wangzeyu135798 - 1
Running experiments completely on CPU
#12 opened by AndyJZhao - 1
- 1
Possibly redundant BatchNorm layer?
#15 opened by zhikaili - 3
- 1
it seems dgl-0.4.1 cannot work properly
#10 opened by Coolgiserz - 0
How to make data?
#11 opened by wangzeyu135798 - 0
an error when running
#8 opened by DoThingYo - 3
In generating phase, the necessarity of increasing batch size to the length of dataset.
#7 opened by jiangtann - 5
- 1
- 4
- 5
Reproduce result of usa-airports
#3 opened by larry2020626 - 1
arpack error, retry= 0
#2 opened by jiangtann - 1
pre-training datasets download error
#1 opened by george-kris