
A collection of awesome calculator documentation resources and tools from all over the web, all in one place. Contributions welcome.

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Awesome TI Docs

A collection of awesome calculator documentation resources and tools from all over the web, all in one place. Contributions welcome.

Icon Models
Monochrome z80
  • TI-82
  • TI-83
  • TI-83+
  • TI-84+
🎨 TI-84+CSE
Color ez80
  • TI-84+CE (-T)
  • TI-83 PCE
  • Python variants of the above.
  • TI-82 AEP
🎈 TI-Nspire


I want to...

...run programs on my calculator

  • arTIfiCE - 🌈
    If you have a newer 84+CE/83PCE (at least OS 5.5), arTIfiCE can be used to unlock the ability to run ASM programs.
  • TILP - â—’ 🎨 🌈 🎈
    TILP can be used as an alternative to TI's official software for sending/receiving files to/from most calculators.
  • N-Link - 🎈
    N-Link can be used as an alternative to TI's official software for sending/receiving files to/from the Nspire.
  • Cemetech - â—’ 🎨 🌈 🎈
    Cemetech hosts a program archive and forum pertaining to calculators of all varieties.
  • ticalc - â—’ 🎨 🌈 🎈
    ticalc is the go-to site to download calculator programs or upload your own.
  • TI-Planet - â—’ 🎨 🌈 🎈
    TI-Planet hosts a program archive and forum with many online tools and a large international userbase.

...learn TI-BASIC

  • TI-Basic Developer - â—’ 🎨 🌈 🎈
    TI-Basic Developer hosts a plethora of programming guides, wiki pages, and useful forum threads for writing your first program.
  • Code Fragments and Useful Routines - â—’ 🎨 🌈
    This community collection of optimized idioms and routines is essential for writing concise and effective TI-BASIC code.
  • 84+CE Catalog & 83PCE Catalog - 🌈
    TI provides documentation for every token on the calculator's built-in catalog, which you can also view online.

...learn assembly for my calculator

  • Learn TI-83+ Assembly in 28 Days (modernized version) • Original version: on ticalc.org, and web-hosted. - â—’
    Assembly in 28 Days is the go-to tutorial for learning Z80 ASM; if you want to learn eZ80 as well, this guide is an essential starting point.
  • Z80 Opcode Table (â—’) or eZ80 Opcode Table (🌈)
    The opcode tables are great for learning ASM and reading hex code from others.
  • Z80 User Manual (â—’) or eZ80 User Manual (🌈)
    Zilog, the makers of the (e)Z80, provide official documentation for their chips and ASM instructions.
  • TI-83+ Developer's SDK (mirror) - â—’
    Official TI-83+ assembly documentation by TI. Many things apply to other calculators as well.
  • WikiTI - â—’ 🎨 🌈
    WikiTI hosts community-sourced documentation on TI-OS and how to interface with it in assembly.

...write programs in C for my calculator

  • CE Toolchain - 🌈
    The CE toolchain provides the compiler and libraries necessary for writing C/C++ code for your calculator.
  • CEmu - 🌈
    The CEmu emulator is great for testing and debugging your code, as large errors can crash the calculator and clear your RAM.
  • Git Guide - 🌈
    This guide provides all you need to know to use Git and GitHub to share and release your toolchain project.

...write and run programs on my computer

  • Wabbitemu (â—’), jsTIfied (â—’ 🎨), or CEmu (🌈)
    These emulators for the 83+ series of calculators allow you to run programs on your computer using a copy of your calculator's ROM.
  • Firebird - 🎈
    Nspire owners can find an emulator for their calculators in Firebird.
  • SourceCoder 3 - â—’ 🎨 🌈
    SourceCoder is an online IDE for TI-BASIC, ASM, and C/C++.
  • Project Builder - 🌈
    TI Planet's Project Builder is an online IDE for TI-BASIC, C/C++, and Python.
  • TokenIDE - â—’ 🎨 🌈
    If you'd like to go offline, TokenIDE is an IDE for TI-BASIC that supports libraries like DCS and xLibC.

...learn more about my calculator's hardware

  • WikiTI - â—’ 🎨 🌈
    WikiTI hosts community-sourced hardware documentation for the 83+ series of calculators.
  • Hardware Revisions - â—’ 🎨 🌈 🎈
    This spreadsheet details every known version of hardware found in TI calculators, including prototype revisions.

All Resources


  • asm-docs - 🌈
    ASM documentation, tutorials, and examples assembled by the CE toolchain team.
  • CE Versions - 🌈
    Boot and OS versions for the TI-84+CE(-T) and TI-83PCE.
  • DCS Developer's SDK - â—’ 🎨
    Documentation for Doors CS related assembly routines and formatting.
  • Direct USB - â—’
    Partial analysis of the USB protocol on the TI-84+.
  • eZ80 Docs - 🌈
    General documentation for assembly on the TI-84+CE (WIP).
  • eZ80 Opcode Table - 🌈
    Table of every eZ80 opcode.
  • eZ80 User Manual - 🌈
    Official Zilog documentation of the eZ80 CPU.
  • Floating Point Hacks - â—’ 🎨 🌈
    Trick to get real variables to point to places they shouldn't.
  • Learn TI-83+ Assembly in 28 Days (modernized version) • Original version: on ticalc.org, and web-hosted. - â—’
    Guide to learning assembly on the TI-83+; a useful starting point for writing assembly for other models.
  • Link Guide (mirror) - â—’
    Link protocol documentation for TI-83+/84+ calculators. Also contains useful documentation for variable formats.
  • TI-83+ Developer's SDK (mirror) - â—’
    Official TI-83+ assembly documentation by TI. Many things apply to other calculators as well.
  • tilibs - â—’ 🎨 🌈 🎈
    Libraries utilized by TiLP and other software to transfer and convert files between calculators.
  • WikiTI - â—’ 🎨 🌈
    Contains most of the documented system calls, along with other useful information pertaining to calculator software/hardware.
  • Z80 IDE - â—’
    Online IDE for Z80 ASM.
  • Z80 Opcode Table - â—’
    Table of every Z80 opcode.
  • Z80 Optimized Routines - â—’
    Expertly-crafted optimized routines for common algorithms, graphics, and mathematical operations (among other things).
  • Z80 User Manual - â—’
    Official Zilog documentation of the Z80 CPU.


  • 84+CE Catalog (English) / 83PCE Catalog (French) - 🌈
    A copy of the Catalog for the TI-84+CE/TI-83PCE.
  • Assembly Hex Codes for the 83+/84+ (â—’), 84+CSE (🎨), and 84+CE (🌈)
    Short assembly snippets that can be called from TI-BASIC using the AsmPrgm commands.
  • binomcdf( Shenanigans - â—’ 🎨 🌈
    Exploration of a bug in the binomcdf( implementation between OS 1.03 and 5.6.0 that produces corrupted floats.
  • Celtic CE Documentation - 🌈
    Documentation of the third-party TI-BASIC library Celtic CE.
  • Code Fragments and Useful Routines - â—’ 🎨 🌈
    Various useful routines for TI-BASIC programs.
  • DCS Developer's SDK - â—’ 🎨
    Documentation of third-party TI-BASIC libraries included in Doors CS/CSE.
  • For( Documenation - â—’ 🎨 🌈
    Documentation of strange behavior of the For( command.
  • A Guide to Code Golf in TI-BASIC - â—’ 🎨 🌈
    Replete guide with tips and tricks for TI-BASIC code golfing.
  • TEXTLIB - 🎨 🌈
    TI-BASIC library to enhance homescreen and graphscreen drawing capabilities.
  • TI-Basic Developer - â—’ 🎨 🌈 🎈
    Documentation and tutorials for TI-BASIC programming.
  • TI-Basic Programming Guide for the TI-84+CE - 🌈
    TI's own guide and command reference for programming in TI-BASIC. The eGuide also includes reference for other CE features and apps.
  • TI-BASIC Useful Routines - â—’ 🎨 🌈
    Useful routines for TI-BASIC programs.
  • tiopt - â—’ 🎨 🌈
    Tool to perform simple optimizations of TI-BASIC programs.
  • QR Code Generator - 🌈
    QR code generator for use with TI-BASIC. Requires the accompanying rendering program.
  • zText - â—’ 🎨 🌈
    Simple program generator for displaying text on the graphscreen.


  • CE Toolchain - 🌈
    Documentation for the CE C/C++ toolchain. Includes all the information you need to start programming in C and C++ on the TI-84+CE.
  • Git Guide - 🌈
    A short guide on using Git and GitHub angled toward projects which use the CE toolchain.


  • Hardware Revisions - â—’ 🎨 🌈 🎈
    Documented hardware revisions, motherboards, and codenames for calculators and accessories.
  • Packaging Codes - â—’ 🎨 🌈 🎈
    Documented serial numbers and packaging codes.
  • Silver Link RE - â—’ 🎨 🌈
    Documentation and schematics for the TI USB Graph Silver Link cable.
  • WikiTI - â—’ 🎨 🌈
    Contains hardware documentation for some TI (e)Z80 calculators.


  • CEmu - 🌈
    TI-84+CE emulator for Linux, macOS, and Windows.
  • Firebird - 🎈
    TI-Nspire emulator for Android, iOS, Linux, macOS, and Windows.
  • jsTIfied - â—’ 🎨
    Online calculator emulator for Z80 TI-83+/84+ calculators.
  • TilEm - â—’
    TI Z80 emulator and debugger for Linux, macOS, Windows, and other platforms that support GTK+.
  • Wabbitemu - â—’
    TI Z80 emulator for Android, Linux, macOS, and Windows.


  • Cemetech - â—’ 🎨 🌈 🎈
    Archive and forum site hosting discussion pertaining to calculators and other projects.
  • TI-Basic Developer - â—’ 🎨 🌈 🎈
    Archive and forum site with a focus on TI-BASIC.
  • ticalc - â—’ 🎨 🌈 🎈
    Replete archive of calculator programs and other files.
  • TI-Planet - â—’ 🎨 🌈 🎈
    Archive and forum site tailored to TI calculators with a large international community.


  • 1555 Color Picker - 🎨 🌈
    Color picker which can use 1555 or 565 color mode, which can be useful for C/ASM and hybrid TI-BASIC on color calculators.
  • arTIfiCE - 🌈
    "Jailbreak" for the TI-84+CE/83PCE calculators necessary for running ASM programs on OS versions 5.5 and above.
  • FactoRoms - â—’ 🎨 🌈 🎈
    Online console ROM to calculator file conversion tool (requires TI Planet log-in).
  • fasmg manual - â—’ 🎨 🌈
    Documentation and basic examples of flat assembler g language.
  • img2calc - 🌈 🎈
    Image converter for a number of calculator image file types.
  • mViewer GX Creator - â—’ 🎨 🌈 🎈
    Online PDF/Image to calculator file conversion tool (requires TI Planet log-in).
  • nCreator - 🎈
    Online rich text (Nspire Notes app) creation tool (requires TI Planet log-in).
  • N-Link - 🎈
    Free and open-source TI-Nspire transfer software for Linux, macOS, and Windows (no license required).
  • Project Builder - 🌈
    Online C/C++, TI-BASIC, and Python IDE for TI-84+CE/83PCE calculators.
  • SourceCoder 3 - â—’ 🎨 🌈
    Online IDE for TI-BASIC, (e)Z80 ASM, and C programs.
  • TILP - â—’ 🎨 🌈 🎈
    Open-source calculator transfer software for most calculators and link cables.
  • tivars_lib_cpp/tivars_lib_py - â—’ 🎨 🌈
    Libraries for C++/Python to read and write var files used by TI-(e)Z80 calculators.
  • TokenIDE - â—’ 🎨 🌈
    Offline IDE for TI-BASIC with DCS and xLibC support.
  • xLibC Color Picker - 🎨 🌈
    Color picker which uses the xLibC palette, which can be useful for C/ASM and hybrid TI-BASIC on color calculators. You can upload a custom palette as well.


  • AXE Commands - â—’
    Table of commands for the TI-83+/84+ programming language AXE, created by Kevin Horowitz.
  • AXE Documentation - â—’
    General documentation for AXE in PDF form.
  • ICE Documentation - 🌈
    Documentation for the TI-84+CE programming language ICE, created by Peter Tillema. Note: ICE is no longer in active development.