83pa28d links/versions
tari opened this issue · 1 comments
tari commented
I think the current links to 83pa28d are weird:
- Although it's generally worthwhile to have a link to a version that can be viewed directly (Eeems' version does that okay), it also seems worth linking to the original source on ticalc.
- I don't think it's correct to refer to my version (on gitlab.io) as a mirror; it's meant to be an updated and more friendly version. In particular, it now embeds a modern instruction set reference and in-browser assembler as well as having been updated to fix various incorrect statements and make everything easier to navigate.
I would tend to say that my version is a better choice to present as the primary, though clearly that's somewhat biased as I'm the owner of that version's repository. In any case, I don't think it's correct to call it a mirror.
adriweb commented
That's totally fair. How about this?
Learn TI-83+ Assembly in 28 Days (modernized version) • Original version: on ticalc.org, and web-hosted.