AP .NET JustAPI Gateway
This is an SDK that you will use to interface with the AnyPresence's JustAPIs technology.
APGW_CORE library
System.Net.Http - From NuGet
Autofac - From NuGet
Newtonsoft.JSON - From NuGet
The main class to work with is APGateway. You will use an instance of this class to make requests.
An instance should be created using a builder (APGatewayBuilder).
APGatewayBuilder builder = new APGatewayBuilder();
// Provide the application context and build the gateway object
APGateway gw = builder.build();
Unpack the zip file to find APGW_|platform|.dll and AGPW_CORE.dll. Place these as dependent assemblies into your app.
Bootstrap the SDK by doing:
Create an APGateway builder with a base url of http://localhost/api/v1/
APGatewayBuilder builder = new APGatewayBuilder ();
builder.Uri ("http://localhost/api/v1/");
APGateway gw = builder.Build ();
Sends an asynchronous request with "/foo" appended to base url
APGatewayBuilder builder = new APGatewayBuilder ();
builder.Uri ("http://localhost/api/v1/");
APGateway gw = builder.Build ();
// Send the request to http://localhost/api/v1/foo
gw.GetAsync (url: "/foo", callback: new APGW.StringCallback () {
OnSuccess = (res) => {
Console.WriteLine (res);
OnError = (error) => {
APGatewayBuilder builder = new APGatewayBuilder ();
builder.Uri ("http://localhost/api/v1/");
APGateway gw = builder.Build ();
Dictionary<string,string> body = new Dictionary<string,string>();
body.Add("foo", "bar");
// Send the request to http://localhost/api/v1/foo
gw.PostAsync (url: "/foo", body: body, callback: new APGW.StringCallback () {
OnSuccess = (res) => {
Console.WriteLine (res);
OnError = (error) => {
Sends a synchronous request with "/foo" appended to base url
APGatewayBuilder builder = new APGatewayBuilder ();
builder.Uri ("http://localhost/api/v1/");
APGateway gw = builder.Build ();
System.Threading.ThreadPool.QueueUserWorkItem((s) => {
// Send the request to http://localhost/api/v1/foo
var result = gw.GetSync (url: "/foo");
Certificate Pinning
Certificate pinning allows you to tie certificates against specified domains. It defends against attacks on certificate authorities. It has it's limitations as well.
APGW.CertManager.addCert ("localhost", dataAsByteArray);
APGatewayBuilder builder = new APGatewayBuilder ();
builder.Uri ("http://localhost/api/v1/");
APGateway gw = builder.Build ();
gw.UsePinning (true).GetAsync (url: "/foo", callback: new APGW.StringCallback () {
OnSuccess = (res) => {
Console.WriteLine (res);
OnError = (error) => {