#JustAPIs Swift SDK


Lightweight Swift SDK to connect to a JustAPIs gateway through an iOS client.



There are no external dependencies when using this framework in your own project.

However, this SDK is a Swift dynamic framework, and is written in Swift 2.1 and needs a minimum deployment target of iOS 8.0.

Some features used in the SDK (i.e. tuples, structs) are not currently available in Objective-C code. If you want to use this framework in an Objective-C app, you'll need to marshall these features through Swift code of your own.

Unit Testing

If you want to perform unit tests on this framework, it requires OHHTTPStubs in order to mock requests. It's already included as a submodule in this repository, so you can run:

git submodule update --init

to make it available.


The core features of the SDK are exposed through three simple protocols: Gateway, Request, and Response.

These basic protocols are defined in CoreTypes.swift

A Gateway represents your connection to a single JustAPIs server. You can send Requests to this gateway, and you'll receive a Response through a simple callback closure.

The SDK includes two implementations of Gateway:


The composited gateway is built from a few configurable and replacable components.

  • A NetworkAdapter that accepts a Request and sends it out over the network before returning a Response or an error. The default NetworkAdapter is FoundationNetworkAdapter, which uses NSURLSession.

    If you prefer to use a different communications technique (AFNetworking, Alamofire, background sessions, caching, etc) you can write a simple NetworkAdapter and plug it into CompositedGateway's constructor.

  • An optional RequestPreparer. A RequestPreparer can modify requests at the gateway level. You might use one to insert a token on certain requests, apply default headers, remap URL's, or serialize body data into a standard format like JSON or form-data.

    Two sample RequestPreparers are included in the SDK. DefaultFieldsRequestPreparer can apply missing query parameters or header fields to all requests. RequestPreparerClosureAdapter allows you to provide a simple closure that does whatever you'd like.

  • An optional ResponseProcessor. A ResponseProcessor can modify a response at the gateway level, before the original response callback is invoked. This provides an opportunity to do logging, handle errors, or parse common response formats like JSON or XML.

    Two sample ResponseProcessors are included in the SDK. JsonResponseProcessor deserializes the body of all responses using NSJSONSerialization. ResponsePreparerClosureAdapter allows you to provide a simple closure that does whatever you'd like.

  • An CacheProvider that can cache responses and return them on later requests without making another network request. The default CacheProvider is an InMemoryCacheProvider that stores responses in-memory using Foundation's NSCache.

    If you'd like more persistent or sophisticated caching, you can implement your own CacheProvider and pass it to the CompositeGateway on initialization.

  • An optional SSLCertificate to be used for certificate pinning. If you provide the public key or certificate associated with your server, its identity will be validated before any requests are sent.

  • An optional DefaultRequestPropertySet that allows you to customize the default options for GET, POST, PUT, and DELETE requests submitted to the Gateway. These defaults are used when using the Gateway's convenience methods to submit a request. If you don't provide your own defaults, the Gateway will use GatewayDefaultRequestProperties as found in Request.swift


JsonGateway is Gateway implementation provided for convenience. It's just a CompositedGateway that includes a JsonResponseProcessor by default.


Framework Integration


The preferred way to include the SDK in your project is by using Cocoapods.

For the bleeding edge version of this SDK, you can add the following directive to the target definition in your Podfile:

pod 'JustApisSwiftSDK', :git => 'https://github.com/AnyPresence/justapis-swift-sdk.git'

Since this SDK is a dynamic framework that uses Swift 2.1, you'll also need to make sure that your Podfile targets iOS 8.0 or higher and is set to use dynamic frameworks:

platform :ios 8.0

The repository includes a basic Demo project that uses Cocoapods. You're encoraged to look at it and its Podfile for a better understanding.


Coming soon.


Coming soon.

Module Import

Once the framework is included in your project, simply import the module into your own code using:

import JustApisSwiftSDK


Making requests

To make requests to your JustAPIs server, you'll just need to create a Gateway and submit a Request.

A simple example is shown here:

var gateway = CompositedGateway(baseUrl: NSURL(string:"http://my-justapi-server.local:5000/"))

gateway.get("/foo", params:["id":123], callback:
{ (result:RequestResult) in
  if let error = result.error
     print("Received an error: \(error)")
  guard let response = result.response else
     print("Received no response!")
  print("Received a response with HTTP status code: \(response.statusCode)")

In this example, you can see us use the get conveneince method on our gateway.

This method prepares and submits a GET request using as few parameters as we likely need. There are a number of these convenience methods available for each of the common HTTP methods (GET, POST, PUT, DELETE). The full list of these convenience methods are available in Gateway.swift

You may also prepare your own requests from scratch using any object that conforms to the RequestProperties protocol. MutableRequestProperties is provided for your convenience. Instead of calling one of the convenience methods, simply pass your request properties and the callback to the submitRequest method.

Request Queue

Each instance of Gateway throttles requests so that no more than maxActiveRequests run at any time (default=2). If you submit requests faster than they can be processed, the pending requests can be accessed through the pendingRequests property.

You may pause and resume the request queue at any time. When paused, the Gateway will not start any new requests that have been queued. You may want to pause the queue when you go offline and resume it when connectivity is restored.

Requests are immutable and cannot be modified once they've been submitted to the Gateway. However, you can cancel requests that are still pending by calling cancelRequest(...)

Certificate Pinning

The CompositedGateway supports certificate pinning. This allows you to require that the remote server publishes an expected public key, confirming its identity.

To utilize certificate pinning, simply create an SSLCertificate with the expected public key contents and supply it as the sslCertificate argument when initializing the CompositedGateway:

var certificate = SSLCertificate(path:NSBundle.mainBundle().pathForResource("server-public-key", ofType:"pem")!)!

var gateway = CompositedGateway(baseUrl: NSURL(string:"http://my-justapi-server.local:5000/"), sslCertificate:certificate)

Automatic Content-Type Parsing

The CompositedGateway supports automatic parsing based on Content-Type. By calling setParser(...). You may register a ResponseProcessor to run whenever a certain Content-Type is encountered on the gateway. The JsonCompositedGateway uses this tecnique to automatically parse JSON responses when the Content-Type is application/json

You may assign as many Content-Type parsers as you'd like.

You may disable automatic Content-Type parsing for any request by setting the applyContentTypeParsing Request property to false.

You may force a response to be interpreted with a certain Content-Type by setting the contentTypeProperty Request property to a non-nil value. This Content-Type will be used in place of any returned in the response headers.

Response Caching

The CompositedGateway supports caching of responses. You may control cache behavior using Request properties.

You make sure a fresh network request is performed by setting allowCachedResponse to false.

You may disable the caching of a response by setting cacheResponseWithExpiration to 0. Setting it to a higher value suggests the number of seconds for which a cached response will be preserved.

You may provide a custom cache identifier for a request by setting the customCacheIdentifier property. By default, only the method, path, and query parameters are used to distinguish requests from one another. If your headers or body are relevant to cached responses, you'll want to set a customCacheIdentifer that appropriately captures this information. An example might be if you send search parameters using the BODY of a GET or POST request and want to cache the responses.

Receiving JSON Responses

If your JustAPI endpoints provide their responses in JSON, you can use the JsonGateway or set a JsonResponseProcessor as a CompositedGateway content-type parser.

var gateway = JsonGateway(baseUrl: NSURL(string:"http://my-justapi-server.local:5000/"))

gateway.get("/foo", params:["id":123], callback:
{ (result:RequestResult) in
  if let error = result.error
     print("Received an error: \(error)")
  guard let response = result.response else
     print("Received no response!")
  guard let jsonData = response.parsedBody else
  	  print:("No parsed body data found!")
  print("Received a response with JSON content: \(jsonBody)")

Request Preparers

RequestPreparers allow you to modify Requests after they've been submitted to your Gateway instance, but before they're added to the Request Queue.

Common uses would be to add additional headers to the request, build and add an authentication token based on query parameters, or encode body data using a specific format.

Response Processors

ResponseProcessors are extremely flexible and can modify, observe, or reject a response before it makes its way to the callback.

All response processors expose an asynchronous processResponse(...) method that receives the current (immutable) response and eventually calls a ResponseProcessorCallback with a response and/or error. processResponse is always invoked on the main thread.

The ResponseProcessorClosureAdapter is a convenience wrapper to use when you have a fast and simple action you want to perform on responses (i.e. signalling an error if an expected header or response field is invalid). It wraps a simple, synchronous closure.

The CompoundResponseProcessor lets you easily chain a series of response processors together so that they run sequentially. If any response processor signals an error, the remainder will be skipped.


The SDK is designed to be lightweight and modular so that you can enhance and modify its functionality without modifying its code directly.

However, if you would like to make changes to the SDK, you are welcome to clone or fork this repository. You will also need to modify your apps to make sure they integrate your code rather than what's hosted in this repository.

Unit Testing does require that you OHHTTPStubs is available in order to mock requests, but this is bundled in as a git submodule. See Dependencies for more information.