- 0
update swagger configuration
#111 opened by giraygi - 1
extend json endpoint to other entity types
#106 opened by giraygi - 0
Individuals in the class tree
#110 opened by Pooya-Oladazimi - 1
- 0
- 0
Update MongoDB
#104 opened by giraygi - 0
List of problematic endpont for ols4
#71 opened by Pooya-Oladazimi - 0
- 1
- 0
term instances endpoint
#93 opened by giraygi - 6
viewMode=all does not work in ols4 v1
#74 opened by Pooya-Oladazimi - 0
annotations field is null for ontologies
#96 opened by giraygi - 1
stats endpoints
#91 opened by giraygi - 0
Update Solr and Neo4j
#59 opened by giraygi - 1
- 1
Annotation Error related to oneOf PropertyValues
#65 opened by giraygi - 1
Extracting only cross ontology relations in linker stage for Multishot ingestion
#61 opened by giraygi - 2
- 0
Dockerized use of csv2neo
#76 opened by giraygi - 1
V1 Ontologies API endpoint pagination
#69 opened by giraygi - 1
- 0
Graph endpont returns 500
#85 opened by giraygi - 0
ontology list returns 500: for page size 1000
#83 opened by deepananbu - 0
- 1
- 1
Ontologies with no Entities
#68 opened by giraygi - 2
jstree call decoder
#70 opened by giraygi - 0
Split json2solr output into batches
#60 opened by giraygi - 0
Multi Shot Ingestion lacks importsFrom and exportsTo links of earler ontologies
#45 opened by giraygi - 0
More parsing errors in rdf2json
#63 opened by giraygi - 0
csv2neo does not finalize ocassionally
#44 opened by giraygi - 0
Automatic Conversion to RDF
#56 opened by giraygi - 1
- 0
Problems in ROBOT based conversion to RDF
#46 opened by giraygi - 0
Unwanted backslash in short form and obo id
#50 opened by giraygi - 0
Null iri in rdf2json output
#48 opened by giraygi - 0
Document All Non EBI Features
#43 opened by giraygi - 0
Ingest with LOAD CSV
#41 opened by giraygi - 0
Fault Tolerance for Ingestion
#29 opened by giraygi - 0
Storing skipped records for later execution.
#37 opened by giraygi - 0
Synch with EBI
#27 opened by giraygi - 0
Array type entity fields for csv2neo
#30 opened by giraygi - 0
Root Permission Issue for Full Deploy Pipeline
#28 opened by giraygi - 0
Huge Ontologies are Ingested Slowly
#25 opened by giraygi - 3
Improve Ingestion Performance
#14 opened by giraygi - 0
Update Existing Ontology
#24 opened by giraygi - 0
Special Character Problem in Neo4J Queries
#22 opened by giraygi - 0
- 0
Remove Search Indexes from Solr
#13 opened by giraygi - 1
Several Ontologies of TIB fail in ingestion
#11 opened by giraygi