
Inspired by languages like Concurrent ML and Cilk, Hopac is a library for F# with the aim of making it easier to write correct, modular and efficient parallel, asynchronous and concurrent programs.

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Hopac: Higher-Order, Parallel, Asynchronous and Concurrent

Hopac is a library for F# with the aim of making it easier to write correct, modular and efficient parallel, asynchronous and concurrent programs. The design of Hopac draws inspiration from languages such as Concurrent ML and Cilk. Similar to Concurrent ML, Hopac provides message passing primitives and supports the construction of first-class synchronous abstractions. Parallel jobs (lightweight threads) in Hopac are created using techniques similar to the F# Async framework. Similar to Cilk, Hopac runs parallel jobs using a work distributing scheduler in a non-preemptive fashion.


Hopac is available under a MIT-style license. See LICENSE for details.


Prebuilt Hopac and Hopac.Extra packages are available via NuGet. At the moment, these packages are considered to have experimental status, but major API changes are not expected before first release. Please report any problems you might encounter.


API Reference:

API manuals are generated from the library sources.


The document Programming in Hopac contains some notes and examples on programming with Hopac. The document Actors and Hopac discusses the similarities and differences between actor models and the programming model provided by Hopac. The document Parallel Programming Performance Considerations discusses fundamental issues that affect the performance of parallel algorithms on shared memory multiprocessors and how those issues translate into practical design patterns. Note that these documents are works in progress and are still being updated frequently. Feedback on these documents is most welcome!

There are also some Notes on the Internal Implementation of Hopac, but that document is not meant to be something that a user of the library would need to be intimately familiar with.

Hopac provides a programming model that is heavily inspired by John Reppy's Concurrent ML language. The book Concurrent Programming in ML is the most comprehensive introduction to Concurrent ML style programming. The Further Reading section at the end of this document contains links to some articles and blog posts that discuss programming in Concurrent ML or languages inspired by it.


One of the main reasons Hopac was developed is that existing solutions provided by the .Net framework made it difficult to meet performance goals. So, how fast is Hopac? How well does it scale to multicore machines? How much memory do Hopac primitives take? In order to measure and improve the performance of Hopac, several benchmark programs have been written and some of these programs also test similar algorithms written using the .Net thread pool, tasks and async. Those benchmarks are readily available in this project and they should be very easy to compile and run on your machine. So, why don't you try and run those benchmark programs, or write your own benchmark, on your multicore machine and see for yourself?

Here are some ballpark figures:

  • Sequential monad operations >>=* and result* or let! and return seem to run about 2x as fast as the corresponding Async operations of F# 3.1. This can be clearly seen in the Fibonacci benchmark that also runs sequential versions using both Hopac and Async.
  • Synchronization with Task operations seems to be about 2x as fast as with Async of F# 3.1. This can be seen in the AsyncOverhead benchmark.
  • Basic message passing (send, receive) and lightweight thread (spawn, suspend, resume) operations seem to provide 5x to 25x better performance than Async and MailboxProcessor of F# 3.1. Most of the benchmarks measure these operations. The only benchmark where Async and MailboxProcessor of F# 3.1 seem competitive (on par) with Hopac is the performance in a trivial test of posting (queuing) messages to a MailboxProcessor in the PostMailbox benchmark. However, when those messages are also actually received (measuring throughput and not just queuing) by the processing agent, Hopac based primitives can be more than 5x faster. With more involved messaging patterns, as seen in the PingPong, PrimesStream, ReaderWriter, StartRing, and ThreadRing benchmarks, Hopac based primitives run much faster.
  • Hopac primitives seem to use significantly less memory than Async and MailboxProcessor. This can be seen in the Cell benchmark, where Hopac based versions take about 5x less memory compared to Async and MailboxProcessor based versions of F# 3.1. Performance is also 5x better. In the Fibonacci benchmark, Hopac based parallel solutions seem to take asymptotically less memory due to the LIFO scheduling of Hopac vs FIFO scheduling of Async. In fact, the Async based parallel version quickly runs out of memory using O(fib(n)) space, while the Hopac based versions runs in O(n) space.

Rationale: Why Hopac?

The .Net framework already provides several layers of support for parallel, asynchronous, and concurrent (PAC) programming. Do we really need another library? In here, I will try to briefly highlight some problems with some of those existing layers.

One of the most basic ways .Net enables PAC is via threads, synchronization primitives and concurrent data structures. Perhaps the biggest problem with .Net threads is that .Net threads are heavyweight. Every thread has its own dedicated stack and other runtime structures taking up memory. Spawning a new thread is extremely expensive (show clearly by the StartRing benchmark) and thread switches are expensive (shown clearly by the ThreadRing benchmark). Threads are such a scarce resource that arbitrary modules in a large program simply cannot spawn new threads whenever an opportunity for PAC exists (the ThreadRing benchmark doesn't run the .Net native thread version with highest ring-lengths, because doing so would crash the benchmark). This severely limits the modularity of programs written using just threads.

Another problem is that writing correct, let alone modular and high performance, PAC programs using just basic locking primitives can be rather challenging as has been widely recognized. This is very much a separate problem, because if threads were extremely cheap, one could easily build higher-level synchronous abstractions on top of such threads using only the basic synchronization primitives.

To alleviate the costs of threads, .Net provides the ThreadPool. Instead of spawning new threads, program modules can queue user work items to be processed using a small number of worker threads managed by the thread pool. Queuing user work items is several orders of magnitude cheaper than spawning new threads. Nevertheless, starting new concurrent jobs in Hopac is still an order of magnitude faster than queuing user work items with the thread pool. The consequence of this is that applications do not need to use work queues to take advantage of parallelism. It is better to just start new parallel jobs than manage parallelism with application level work queues.

One aspect of the thread pool that is not discussed often is that the thread pool tends to process work items in FIFO order. Suppose you have a DAG, like in a parallel build system, where the vertices of the graph represent computations and edges represent dependencies between computations. Simple use of the thread pool to execute those computations leads to a BFS traversal of the graph. During the traversal, the set or queue of ready computations, or open nodes, when using BFS is O(width) and O(depth) when using DFS. In many practical situations graphs are expected to be wide (lots of data), but shallow (not many layers of data).

Other problems with the thread pool are better recognized. For example, one should avoid blocking within a user work item, but at the same time, the thread pool provides very little help to coordinate multiple work items with dependencies. Once a work item is queued, there is no built in notification when it starts executing, it cannot be removed from the queue and there is no built in notification when it has run to completion. There is no mechanism for the thread pool to notify the module that queued a work item when the execution of the work item terminated with an unhandled exception.

To help with parallel and asynchronous programming, the .Net framework provides the task parallel library and (the C# and) the F# async mechanisms. For simple parallel programming tasks, that do not require complex communication patterns, the task parallel library does quite well. The task parallel library supports continuation tasks and the async mechanisms makes working with continuations even easier than with just tasks. For a particular kind of communication pattern (many-to-one actor), the F# library provides the MailboxProcessor abstraction.

On the other hand, aside from supporting task continuations and the mailbox processor abstraction, those systems still provide very little in terms of communicating and coordinating between tasks and one must fall back to using locking primitives to implement those when needed. Also, it seems that the task and async mechanism built on top of the thread pool include some significant implementation overheads and design weaknesses. For example, the Task<T> type of the task parallel library acts both as a representation of an operation (comparable to a first-class function) and as a container for the result of the operation (comparable to a write-once ref cell). Frankly, those are two separate responsibilities and combining them into one type is questionable design. The F# async design recognizes this issue at the type level, while the C# async design does not, and as a result the C# async design suffers from "gotchas" as has been recognized. As an implementation detail, Hopac stores the result of an operation in the continuation of the operation, because this allows the continuation to be queued for processing without additional allocations.

The thread pool, the task parallel library and the async frameworks were not initially designed as a coherent whole. As a result, there seem to be some significant overheads when those systems are taken as a whole. The Task class, for example, has significantly more fields than a Hopac job (or continuation) and, while tasks are very lightweight when compared to native threads, as a result, Hopac jobs are even more lightweight than async tasks. In Hopac, jobs are rather intimately tied to the work distributing scheduler. This allows operations such as suspending and resuming jobs to be done with an order of magnitude lower overhead than what tasks and async can do at the moment.

For the kind of programming that Hopac is designed for, some of the things that tasks and async provide are not necessary and would increase overheads. These include cancellation and the preservation of synchronization contexts and Hopac has therefore eliminated those. (Support for synchronization contexts is somewhat in conflict with the goals of Hopac (minimize overheads and maximize parallel performance) and it is unlikely that such support would be added to Hopac. If preservation of synchronization contexts is necessary, you should stick to tasks and/or async. Some specific form of support for cancellation might be added in the future, but it can already be expressed by using selective communication provided by Hopac.)

Finally, where Hopac goes much further is in providing support for message passing primitives and the construction of first-class synchronous abstractions for coordinating and communicating between separate parallel jobs. The goal is that using the high-level primitives supported by Hopac it should be possible to program a wide range of PAC architectures with good performance without resorting to low level locking primitives.

This rationale became much longer that I hoped for. Hopefully you got something out of reading it. :)

Further Reading ---------------

This section contains a list of blog posts, articles, books and other resources that may be of interest. The most comprehensive introduction to Concurrent ML style programming is John Reppy's book Concurrent Programming in ML.