
This repository contains the schedule, presentations and readings for the TIMAN UIUC Deep Learning Group.

  • If you have any papers you'd like to discuss, please make a pull request or send an email to lourent2 and we'll add it.
  • Papers accompanied with their implementations are encouraged.
  • Members that present are welcome to upload the slides, preferably before the weekly meeting.
  • Meetings will primarily focus on discussion of our work and potentially share 2-3 papers each week


Date Presentation Slides Paper Implementation
3.8.18 First meeting, organizing details. Notes regarding structure - -
3.12.18 Text summarization
DL for financial data
(please insert slides here)
Multi-attention heads (please insert paper here)
Categorical Reparameterization with Gumbel-Softmax

Gumber-Softmax on pytorch
3.26.18 Ismini Lourentzou: User-generated text normalization
Ran Li: Chinese Poetry generation
- -
4.2.18 Yiping Song: Introduction to Conversation Systems Deep Reinforcement Learning for Dialogue Generation
Sentence Simplification with Deep Reinforcement Learning
Structured Attention Networks

Sentence simplification code in torch
4.9.18 slides from Graham Neubig Learning Structured Text Representations
Emergence of Grounded Compositional Language in Multi-Agent Populations
4.16.18 Generative Adversarial Networks GANs in pytorch
4.23.18 Understanding deep learning requires rethinking generalization Some sample code and a Blog post about this paper
4.30.18 Graph Neural Networks

Notes on suggesting papers

When selecting a paper, it is beneficial to consider these points:

  • Is this an influential work that will likely change our thinking? (e.g., GANs)
  • Among all of the new papers in DL/Seq2Seq/.. which ones are most promising and might open new paths or generate new ideas?
  • Will this be of interest to most members of this DL group?