
[ICDE 2022] Human-Drone Collaborative Spatial Crowdsourcing by Memory-Augmented Distributed Multi-Agent Deep Reinforcement Learning

Primary LanguagePython

FD-MAPPO (Cubic Map)

This work "Human-Drone Collaborative Spatial Crowdsourcing by Memory-Augmented Distributed Multi-Agent Deep Reinforcement Learning" has been published in ICDE 2022.

📄 Description

FD-MAPPO (Cubic Map) is a novel deep reinforcement learning (DRL) framework for human-drone collaborative SC tasks. It consists of a fully decentralized MADRL framework, called FD-MAPPO, as a novel multi-actor-multi-learner architecture without any centralized control module based on PPO. It also contains a novel memory structure, called Cubic Map, to enable novel sparse cubic writing and contextual attentive reading operations.

🔧 Dependencies


  1. Clone repo
    git clone https://github.com/BIT-MCS/human_drone_SC.git
    cd human_drone_SC
  2. Install dependent packages
    pip install -r requirements.txt

⚡ Quick Inference

Get the usage information of the project

cd code
python main.py -h

Then the usage information will be shown as following

usage: main.py [-h] env_name method_name mode

positional arguments:
  env_name     the name of environment (KAIST or NCSU)
  method_name  the name of method (fd_mappo_cubicmap)
  mode         train or test
optional arguments:
  -h, --help   show this help message and exit

Test the trained models provided in human_drone_SC/log.

python main.py KAIST fd_mappo_cubicmap test
python main.py NCSU fd_mappo_cubicmap test

💻 Training

We provide complete training codes for FD-MAPPO (Cubic Map).
You could adapt it to your own needs.

  1. If you don't have NVIDIA RTX 3090, you should comment these two lines in file human_drone_SC/code/util.py.
    [24]  torch.backends.cuda.matmul.allow_tf32 = False
    [25]  torch.backends.cudnn.allow_tf32 = False
  2. You can modify the config files human_drone_SC/code/environment/KAIST/conf.py and human_drone_SC/code/environment/NCSU/conf.py for environments.
    For example, you can control the number of drones in the environment by modifying this line
    [43]  'uav_num': 6,
  3. You can modify the config file human_drone_SC/code/method/fd_mappo_cubicmap/conf.py for method.
    For example, you can control the hyperparameters studied in paper by modifying these two lines
    [34]  'M_size': [16, 16, 16],  # Z, X, Y
    [35]  'mtx_size': 3,  # X' (Y')
  4. Training
    python main.py KAIST fd_mappo_cubicmap train
    python main.py NCSU fd_mappo_cubicmap train
    The log files will be stored in human_drone_SC/log.

🏁 Testing

  1. Before testing, you should modify the file human_drone_SC/code/env_method_set.py to ensure the datetime of the version you want to test is right.
    [2]  'KAIST/fd_mappo_cubicmap': '2021-05-27/23-48-01',
    [3]  'NCSU/fd_mappo_cubicmap': '2021-05-20/16-56-41',
  2. Testing
    python main.py KAIST fd_mappo_cubicmap test
    python main.py NCSU fd_mappo_cubicmap test

📜 Acknowledgement

This work is supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China (No. 62022017).
Corresponding author: Chi Harold Liu.

📧 Contact

If you have any question, please email 2656886245@qq.com.


If you are interested in our work, please cite our paper as

  title={Human-Drone Collaborative Spatial Crowdsourcing by Memory-Augmented Distributed Multi-Agent Deep Reinforcement Learning}, 
  author={Wang, Yu and Liu, Chi Harold and Piao, Chengzhe and Yuan, Ye and Han, Rui and Wang, Guoren and Tang, Jian},
  booktitle={2022 IEEE 38th International Conference on Data Engineering (ICDE)}, 