
a MCDaemon plugin to provide API for getting player information

Primary LanguagePython



Check MinecraftDataAPI for MCDR 1.0+

a MCDReforged plugin to provide API for getting player information

Now support 1.14+ new JSON string format

(Thank Pandaria for providing the regular expression)


Use imp.load_source() to load PlayerInfoAPI in your plugin first

from imp import load_source
PlayerInfoAPI = load_source('PlayerInfoAPI','./plugins/PlayerInfoAPI.py')

for MCDReforged use server.get_plugin_instance() to get PlayerInfoAPI instance

PlayerInfoAPI = server.get_plugin_instance('PlayerInfoAPI')


Convert Minecraft style json format into a dict

Minecraft style json format is something like these:

  • Steve has the following entity data: [-227.5d, 64.0d, 12.3E4d]
  • [-227.5d, 64.0d, 231.5d]
  • Alex has the following entity data: {HurtByTimestamp: 0, SleepTimer: 0s, ..., Inventory: [], foodTickTimer: 0}

It will automatically detect if there is a <name> has the following entity data: . If there is, it will erase it before converting


  • text: A data get entity or other command result that use Minecraft style json format


  • A parsed json result. It can be a dict, a list, a int or a None


  • Input Steve has the following entity data: [-227.5d, 64.0d, 231.5d], output [-227.5, 64.0, 123000.0]

  • Input {HurtByTimestamp: 0, SleepTimer: 0s, Inventory: [], foodTickTimer: 0}, output {'HurtByTimestamp': 0, 'SleepTimer': 0, 'Inventory': [], 'foodTickTimer': 0}

PlayerInfoAPI.getPlayerInfo(server, name, path='', timeout=5)

Call data get entity <name> [<path>] and parse the result

If it's in MCDReforged and rcon is enabled it will use rcon to query


  • server: The Server Object
  • name: Name of the player who you want to get his/her info
  • path: An optional path parameter in data get entity command
  • timeout: The maximum time to wait the data result if rcon is off. Return None if time out


  • A parsed json result. It can be a dict, a list, a int or a None

Please refer to the Player.dat page on minecraft wiki player.dat format


def onServerInfo(server, info):
  if info.content.startswith('!!test'):
    result = PlayerInfoAPI.getPlayerInfo(server,info.player)

you can also refer to the demo of Here plugin with this API(in newapi branch)
