Hi, This is EventBot, version, erm, approximately 2.0. I suggest you visit the wiki page for up-to-date info: http://wiki.github.com/TJC/EventBot/gettingstarted To deploy the database: script/eventbot_deploy.pl eventbot To run the webserver: script/eventbot_www_server.pl -r -d Then visit it on http://localhost:3000/ The mail filter is script/eventbot_maild.pl which is designed to work as a procmail filter, and expects one email at a time to be piped in via STDIN. Please raise any issues (or wishlists) at http://github.com/TJC/EventBot/issues A wiki is also available at: http://wiki.github.com/TJC/EventBot Don't forget to set the NOCAPTCHA_KEY and NOCAPTCHA_SECRET environment variables. The defaults only work for localhost. -Toby