
An Ansible role that installs and configures a Linux machine to be used as an Azure DevOps build or deployment agent.

Azure DevOps Agent

An Ansible role that installs and configures a Linux machine to be used as an Azure DevOps build or deployment agent.

See this blog post for more detail.


See prerequisites

Role Variables

Available variables are listed below, along with default values (see defaults/main.yml):

az_devops_accountname: null
az_devops_accesstoken: null
az_devops_project_name: null
az_devops_agent_version: 2.165.1
az_devops_agent_user: "az_devops_agent"
az_devops_agent_name: "{{ ansible_hostname }}"
az_devops_server_url: "https://dev.azure.com/{{ az_devops_accountname }}"
az_devops_agent_folder: "/home/{{ az_devops_agent_user }}/agent/"
az_devops_work_folder: "/home/{{ az_devops_agent_user }}/agent/_work"
az_devops_agent_pool_name: "Default"
az_devops_agent_role: "build"
az_devops_deployment_group_tags: null
az_devops_deployment_group_name: "Default"
az_devops_agent_replace_existing: false
az_devops_reconfigure_agent: false
  • az_devops_accountname

    The name of your Azure DevOps account, i.e. ttps://dev.azure.com/YOUR_ACCOUNT_NAME

  • az_devops_accesstoken

    The Personal Access Token (PAT) used to authenticate to your account. See here for details on how to generate this value.

    Note: Think about using Ansible Vault to secure this value.

  • az_devops_project_name

    The name of the Azure DevOps project in which to register the agent (only used for deployment groups).

  • az_devops_agent_version

    Version of the installed agent package. Should be periodically updated to the latest version (see here)

  • az_devops_agent_user

    Name of the user used to run and configure the service.

  • az_devops_agent_name

    Name of the agent shown in Azure DevOps (defaults to the name of the host.).

  • az_devops_server_url

    Url for your Azure DevOps account.

  • az_devops_agent_folder

    Folder location for all the agent specific files (note: important that the service user needs execution permissions on all the files in this folder).

  • az_devops_work_folder

    Folder location for all the work specific files (i.e. pulled source code and build results).

  • az_devops_agent_pool_name

    Pool name in which the Azure DevOps agent is added.

  • az_devops_agent_role

    Use either build or deployment. Build role allows the use of the agent as a build server in pipeline build or releases. Deployment role allows the use of the agent in a deployment group.

  • az_devops_deployment_group_tags

    Use in conjuction with the deployment agent role. Allows the use of tags to identify the agent (ex: QA, Staging, Prod, etc.)

  • az_devops_deployment_group_name

    Use in conjuction with the deployment agent role. The name of the deployment group in which to add the agent.

  • az_devops_agent_replace_existing

    Adds the --replace argument to the configuration script for the scenario where you need to replace an exiting agent with a new host.

  • az_devops_reconfigure_agent

    Forces a reconfiguration of the agent even if the service is already active

Example Playbook

Including an example of how to use your role (for instance, with variables passed in as parameters) is always nice for users too:

- hosts: agents
     - yohanb.azure_devops_agent
    - az_devops_agent_role: build
    - az_devops_accountname: fubar
    - az_devops_accesstoken: ***


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