
Conversion utilities for the National Information Exchange Model (NIEM)

Primary LanguageJavaScript


Conversion utilities for the National Information Exchange Model (NIEM) Have to use it DODI


NIEMO is a tool to aid in creating NIEM - compliant ontologies for operational systems.

This tool will support converting NIEM schemas to:

The NIEM data model consists of “types” (of things) that have “properties” and that participate in “relationships” with other “types” (of things).

A type is a description of a set of things that share the same properties, relationships, and semantics. For example in NIEM, “PersonType” and “VehicleType” represent persons and vehicles—kinds of things.

A property is a named characteristic of a type. For example, “PersonBirthDate” is a property of “PersonType.” Furthermore, the property is of a specific type itself. For example, ”PersonBirthDate” is itself of type “DateType.”

A relationship may be modeled as either a type or a property. For example in NIEM, a relationship between persons and vehicles is represented by the type “PersonVehicleAssociationType.”

An object is an instance of a type and is an abstraction of a specific physical thing or a conceptual thing. Also, in an object, the properties have values. For example, John Smith, a specific person, would be an object of type “PersonType” with the property “PersonBirthDate.” Also, for John Smith, the property “PersonBirthDate” may have a value of “1970-01-01.”

An object may have a unique ID within an XML instance, but it is not required to have a globally unique identifier.


  • Build JSON-Schema 'definitions' from all the attributes belonging to each type
  • Build JSON-Schema 'properties' that reference the definitions. This is what the 'typecontainsproperty' sheet is for!!!