
Helm chart to create a VaultSecret

Apache License 2.0Apache-2.0


Helm chart to create a VaultSecret

While using Terraform to manage all of our infrastructure, we needed the ability to create VaultSecret objects (CRD).

This solution is being used internally with success, but there is no support! ;)

Please feel free to submit Pull Requests with suggestions for improvement.


  • helm repo add vault-secrets-helmchart https://tjm.github.io/vault-secrets-helmchart/
  • helm upgrade --install vault-secrets-helmchart/vault-secret


The actual use for this helm chart would be terraform, so here is a terraform example:

resource "helm_release" "my_vault_secret" {
  name      = "my_vault_secret"
  namespace = "my_namespace"
  repo      = "https://tjm.github.io/vault-secrets-helmchart/"
  chart     = "vault-secret"
  set {
    name  = "vaultSecret.path"
    value = "secret/path/my_secret"