
Improving Multispectral Pedestrian Detection by Addressing Modality Imbalance Problems (ECCV 2020)

Primary LanguagePython


Improving Multispectral Pedestrian Detection by Addressing Modality Imbalance Problems (ECCV 2020)


1. Dependencies

This code is tested on [Ubuntu18.04, tensorflow1.14, keras2.1.6, python3.6,cuda10.0,cudnn7.6].

make sure the GPU enviroment is the same as above (cuda10.0,cudnn7.6), otherwise you may have to compile the nms and utils according to https://github.com/endernewton/tf-faster-rcnn. Besides, check the keras version is keras2.1, i find there may be some mistakes if the keras version is higher. To be as simple as possible, I recommend installing the dependencies with Anaconda as follows:

1. conda create -n python36 python=3.6
2. conda activate python36
3. conda install cudatoolkit=10.0
4. conda install cudnn=7.6
5. conda install tensorflow-gpu=1.14
6. conda install keras=2.1
7. conda install opencv
8. python demo.py

2. Prerequisites

3. Demo example

3.1 Demo images

  1. Check the MBNet model is available at ./data/models/resnet_e7_l224.hdf5
  2. Run the script: python demo.py
  3. The detection result is saved at ./data/kaist_demo/.

3.2 Demo video

  1. Check the MBNet model is available at ./data/models/resnet_e7_l224.hdf5
  2. Set weight_path , test_file , lwir_test_file in demo_video.py
  3. Run the script: python demo_video.py
  4. The detection result videos saved at MBNet directory.

4. Evaluate model performance

  1. check the MBNet model is available at ./data/models/resnet_e7_l224.hdf5 and the test data is available at ./data/kaist_test.
  2. Run the script: python test.py
  3. The test results are saved at ./data/result/.
  4. open the KAISTdevkit-matlab-wrapper and run the demo_test.m.

5. Train your own model

  1. Check the ResNet50 pretrained model is available at ./data/models/double_resnet.hdf5 and the train data is available at ./data/kaist.
  2. Run the script: python train.py
  3. The trained models are saved at ./output.
  4. Evaluate model performance as above.

6. Comparison with other Methods

Please download the Matlab implemented comparison code [Baidu Cloud(extract code: ABCD) or Google Drive] and run the script according to the README.txt.

7. Acknowledgements

Thanks to Liu Wei, this pipeline is largely built on his ALFNet code available at: https://github.com/liuwei16/ALFNet.


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    author = {Kailai Zhou and Linsen Chen and Xun Cao},
    title = {Improving Multispectral Pedestrian Detection by Addressing Modality Imbalance Problems},
    booktitle = ECCV,
    year = {2020}