- DFX version 0.12.1
dfx --version
dfx upgrade
dfx identity whoami
dfx identity list
dfx identity new {identity}
dfx identity use {identity}
dfx identity remove {identity}
`dfx ledger --network ic create-canister --amount
dfx ledger
ledger comand--network ic
working on-chaincreate-canister
user principal--amount <icp-tokens>
icp to cycles
dfx identity --network ic get-wallet
dfx wallet --network ic balance
"main": "path1.mo",
"type": "motoko"
"main": "path2.mo",
"type": "motoko"
{type of function} func {name_function}(Param1: {Type of param}): async {Type of return}{
// inside function
public func geet(name: Text): async Text{
return ("Hi" # name # "!")
- from dfx.json
dfx canister --network ic create {first_canister} --with-cycles 1000000000000
public func number_of_word(t: Text): async Nat{
let space: Pattern = #char(' '); // patter for space
let arr_new = Text.split(t, space);
let arr = Iter.toArray<Text>(arr_new);
return arr.size();