Re-upload of the game we created for the "Introduction to Rust-Development" course.

Greetings to the co-author of this project:


Ruspect is a little game to try out the features of bevy and learn Rust. It is inspired by the Binding of Isaac.


rust - version 1.60


Maybe you will need some packages for the game to work properly, try:

sudo apt install libasound2-dev
sudo apt install libudev-dev

For more information: Bevy Cheatbook - Linux Desktop

How to build

cargo build -r will build the target folder with the executable game. You have to move assets folder into the target folder, so the game can work properly.

Run/Play the game

First navigate to the new folder ruspect/target/release/.


Simply open the newly build file ruspect.exe


Run the the file ruspect with the terminal.


Now you should be ready to start.
Have fun.