
ESTCube-2 Mission Control System with React

Primary LanguageCSS

MCS GUI with React

This is an experimental GUI built with React for the ESTCube-2 Mission Control System. The backend server is mcs-go and is deployed to Heroku somewhere.



The terminal uses a websocket connection. Write something in the input and it's POSTed to the server. The server then "processes" the request and the result is sent via websocket a few seconds later. It currently works like a chat client as commands sent from multiple windows are shown on the screen.


  • Passes table populated with JSON from Apiary. To be changed.
  • COM charts with react-timeseries-charts


This is a standard npm project. For local development, the companion server mcs-go should be used. If GO is too scary, change some conf to use the Heroku server in constants.js.

Thanks to

This project was bootstrapped with Create React App.

UI style provided by CoreUI React Starter project.