
3300 Term Project for Processing and Visualization of Genomic Data

Primary LanguagePython


3300 Term Project for Processing and Visualization of Genomic Data


TSV file data handler operating using argparse command line.

Command Line Format


python3 Genome_Viz.py test_data/ test -d MPXVInfected2wks MPXVInfected8wks -b 0 1  

Command Line Format

Command Line Format

Sprint 1 Burndown Command Line Format


  • Import and utilize Argparse Module to allow flexibility in file selection.
  • Evaluate Program efficiency using tm.time.
  • Implement file identification, selection, and sorting function under title: loadData().
  • Based on file selection, create and identifier row denote sample status as infected or naive.
  • Implement a labeling function, getNames(), to appropriately track and identify files in the final data frame.
  • Initialize an empty dictionary to hold concatenated data.
  • Trim the dictionary filling function fillDict().
  • FillDict() should ignore empty sequence entries and disregard non-data columns while processing data for entry.
  • FillDict() should be able to process flawed files with unexpected formating.
  • FillDict() should store each sequence in a key relevant to the specific file the sequence was read from.
  • FillDict() should return a dictionary of dictionaries upon completion.
  • Sprint 1 package should print a running time and completely dictionary of dictionaries.

Sprint 2 Burndown Command Line Format


  • For current coherence, single cohort data frames should be recorded and expressed as .csv files.
  • For coherence the prototype should notify the user when single cohort files have been processed into a singular dictionary.
  • Argparse functionality should be added to determine location and naming of output single cohort data file.
  • The .csv should be written to by line, with column headers of filenames serving as the first written row.
  • Column specific exposure based labels should be assigned to each header.
  • In an effort to prevent overpopulation of irrelevant data, the .csv writer should require a certain amount of samples expressed for a TCR sequence to be recognized.
  • As in projected dataframe expression, each row should be declared as an empty list and filled from relevant dictionary entries.
  • Relevant columns lacking data dictionary entries for a certain sequence should be represented with 0’s in the row.
  • Relevant efficiency and timekeeping functions should be updated to accommodate new workloads.

Sprint 3 Burndown

Command Line Format

Tasks: (6 Tasks, 2 Weeks)

  • Line separation should be mutable between \t and ,.
  • Column specification should be mutable through argparse specification.
  • Filetype should be mutable through argparse specification.
  • Institute filtering of relevant data for classification.
  • Mutable line separation variable is employed on a line by line basis when processing data.
  • Dataset specification will allow for multiple datasets to be joined from a single directory specified in the command line.

Sprint 4 Burndown

Command Line Format

Tasks: (9 Tasks, 2 Weeks)

  • Cohort data frames should be processed and interpreted as floats.
  • Cohort representations should be created through concatenation of all labeled files.
  • The joining of this genomic data should be done by averaging sequence expression over the cohort.
  • For each shared sequence between the two cohorts I want to calculate a percentage deviation.
  • To avoid skewed data the percentage deviation should be normalized between 0 and 100%/
  • The mean of these normalized percentages will be displayed as the overall deviation between cohorts.
  • These normalized percentages should be appended to the dataframe.
  • The sequences with the largest deviations should be presented as high-impact characteristic sequences.
  • The program should display the 50 highest impact sequences and their mean representation in each cohort.

Sprint 5 Burndown

Command Line Format

Tasks: (12 Tasks, 1 Week)

  • The program needs to import dash and dash_bio for their visualization capabilities.
  • The program should have an html template and dash app for server creation.
  • The dash app object should be created with coherent text and color.
  • The visualization process should receive the data of the 50 highest impact sequences, sorted by cohort deviation.
  • The cohorts should be visualized side by side in a clustergram to properly visualize differences.
  • The clustergram colors should be distinct and conductive towards differentiation.
  • The clustergram should identify possible clusters and recurrent behavior.
  • Cohort columns should be labelled appropriately.
  • Rows should be identified by sequence.
  • The graph should be fitted to the screen while being large enough to distinguish individual rows.
  • The graph should be added to the template in the app object.
  • The server should be run without debugging to maintain an interactive single-run visualization.