TLCyzer is a free and open-source smartphone app for the quantitative evaluation of thin-layer chromatographic analyses in medicine quality screening, described and validated in a scientific study.
The TLCyzer app is available on request from
For building the image, processing rust is required. Please follow the installation instructions. Furthermore, the code needs to be cross compiled for all common Android architectures we leverage cross. Please also follow the installation instructions for cross.
The regular Gradle build then automatically creates the bindings and builds the binaries.
For evaluating the application we provide images in the supplementary materials, which are taken under the proposed capture setup. The reference spots in these images are always the left, middle, and right with 60%, 80%, and 100% respectively. The other remaining spots are the samples to be measured.
The same supplementary materials also contain a PDF with instructions for the application on page 6 and a detailed capture box technical drawing.