
simple ipv6 http stress tester

Primary LanguagePerlGNU General Public License v3.0GPL-3.0

beat6 - a simple ipv6 http stress tester

This is a simple perl script to stress test http servers via ipv6 only.


Beat6 requires perl with thread support and the following modules:

  • Net::HTTPS
  • Net::DNS
  • IO::Socket::SSL
  • IO::Socket::INET6
  • Time::HiRes
  • Number::Bytes::Human


I suggest using perlbrew. Sample installation:

wget -O - https://install.perlbrew.pl | bash
perlbrew install-cpanm
perlbrew install --thread -n perl-5.22.4
cpanm Net::HTTPS
cpanm IO::Socket::INET6
cpanm IO::Socket::SSL
cpanm Number::Bytes::Human
cpanm Net::DNS

Then execute beat6 with:

perlbrew use perl-5.22.4
perl beat6 -h


Usage beat6 [-HpPfdrlcubtvh] [<host>]
--host      -H <host>    Hostname (must have an ipv6 dns entry)
--port      -P <port>    TCP Port (default 443)
--path      -p <uri>     Uri path on <host> to fetch
--urlfile   -f <file>    File containing uri path's to fetch,
                            # comment
                            GET /path/to/html
                            POST /search string=foobar
                         Post data must be url-encoded
--delay     -d <delay>   Delay between requests (default 0),
                         Set to range for random delays
--repeats   -r <count>   How many <count> times shall we connect
                         (default 1, 0 = endless)
--limit     -l <seconds> How many <seconds> shall we run, cannot
                         be mixed with --repeats, supported
                         abbrevs: m (minutes), h (hours), e.g.
                         --limit 10m or --limit 2h
--clients   -c <count>   How many concurrent threads to use
--useragent -u <str>     Set UserAgent to <str> (default Beat6/1)
--bindaddr  -b <addr>    IPv6 address to use as source
--header       <header>  Add <header> to requests (multiple ok)
--insecure  -i           Use unencrypted HTTP instead of SSL
--timeout   -t <seconds> Set timeout to <seconds> (per session)
--verbose   -v           Verbose output
--help      -h -?        Help message
This is beat6 verion 1, released under the terms of the GPLv3.
