GPC – General Polygon Clipper (C language) - 2.32 - This is a powerful library. I searched it on GitHub but not found so I commit it here for everyone easy to search it.

Primary LanguageC

The University of Manchester GPC library (wikipedia: GPC) is a flexible and highly robust polygon set operations library for use with C, C#, Delphi, Java, Perl, Python, Haskell, Lua, VB.Net (and other) applications.


GPC Features

  • Difference, intersection, exclusive-or and union clip operations are supported.
  • Polygons may be comprised of multiple disjoint contours.
  • Contour vertices may be given in any order - clockwise or anticlockwise.
  • Contours may be convex, concave or self-intersecting.
  • Contours may be nested (i.e. polygons may have holes).
  • Output may take the form of either polygon contours or tristrips.
  • Hole and external contours are differentiated in the result.
  • Coincident edges and degenerate regions are handled correctly.

On-line documentation: http://www.cs.man.ac.uk/~toby/alan/software/gpc.html