
This repository hosts the files used in the April '24 Hackathon, hosted by HCC's Computer Science Association.

Primary LanguagePythonApache License 2.0Apache-2.0

Air Quality Monitor

This repository provides a script that retrieves Air Quality Index (AQI) data from the OpenWeatherMap API based on user-inputted locations. It aimed to provide real-time air quality data to residents and policymakers in areas affected by industrial pollution for health and safety purposes.

How It Works

The app.py file receives a location input from the user, converts it to coordinates, retrieves the AQI using OpenWeatherMap, and prints the location's AQI followed by the current air quality condition.



  1. Create an OpenWeather Account:

    • Create an account on OpenWeather.
    • Obtain your free API key from OpenWeather.
  2. Clone the Repository:

    git clone <repository-url>
    cd <repository-directory>
  3. Install Dependencies:

    pip install -r requirements.txt
  4. Set Up OpenWeather API Key:

    • On Unix-based systems (Linux, macOS):
      export OPENWEATHER_API_KEY='your_api_key_here'
    • On Windows (Command Prompt):
      set OPENWEATHER_API_KEY=your_api_key_here
    • On Windows (PowerShell):
      $env:OPENWEATHER_API_KEY = "your_api_key_here"
  5. Run the Application:

    python app.py

USA Air Quality Index Levels

Below is a description of USA Air Quality Index levels:

AQI Level of Health Concern Color
0 to 50 Good Green
51 to 100 Moderate Yellow
101 to 150 Unhealthy for Sensitive Groups Orange
151 to 200 Unhealthy Red
201 to 300 Very Unhealthy Purple
301 to 500 Hazardous Maroon
501 to 1000 Very Hazardous Brown