
A list of awesome resources for new (and less new) members of the Complexity Science research community.

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Societies and networks

Ordered alphabetically.

AccelNet-MultiNet 🌐 πŸ“’
Complex Systems Society 🌐 πŸ“’
Complexity Digest 🌐 πŸ“’
Early and Middle Career Researchers on Social Networks (EMCRs) 🌐 πŸ“’
International Network for Social Network Analysis (INSNA) 🌐 πŸ“’
NetPLACE 🌐 πŸ“’
Network Science Society 🌐 πŸ“’
Society of Young Network Scientists (SYNS) 🌐 πŸ“’
Women in Network Science (WiNS) 🌐 πŸ“’
Young Researchers of the Complex Systems Society (yrCSS) 🌐 πŸ“’


Ordered alphabetically.

CompleNet 🌐 πŸ“’
Complex Networks 🌐
Conference on Complex Systems 🌐
IC2S2 πŸ“’
NetSci / NetSci-X 🌐
Sunbelt 🌐

Workshops, schools

Ordered alphabetically.

Complexity 72h 🌐 πŸ“’
Lake Como Schools
- Advances in complex systems
- Computational Social Science
- Complex Networks

Les Houches School of Physics 🌐
Mediterranean School of Complex Networks 🌐 πŸ“’
NetHike 🌐
Winter Workshop on Complex Systems 🌐 πŸ“’

Seminar series

Ordered alphabetically.

ANET 🌐 πŸ“’
IFISC β–Ά πŸ“’
Interaction Data Lab β–Ά πŸ“’
NetPLACE β–Ά πŸ“’
SFI β–Ά πŸ“’
WiNS β–Ά πŸ“’

Online courses

Ordered alphabetically.

PhD life

Ordered alphabetically.

Institutes, departments and labs

Ordered alphabetically by country code and institution name.

Complexity Science Hub (CSH), Vienna AT 🌐 πŸ“’
Department of Network & Data Science (DNDS), Central European University, Vienna AT 🌐 πŸ“’
Complex Systems and Data Science group, University of Sidney AU 🌐
Computational Social Science (COSS), ETH Zürich CH 🌐
NEtwoRks, Data, and Society (NERDS), IT University of Copenhagen DK 🌐 πŸ“’
Complex Systems Lab, Universitat Pompeu Fabra, Barcelona ES 🌐
Grupo Interdisciplinar de Sistemas Complejos (GISC), Universidad Carlos III de Madrid ES 🌐 πŸ“’
Institute for Cross-Disciplinary Physics and Complex Systems (IFISC), Palma ES 🌐 πŸ“’
Science and Engineering of Emerging Systems (SEES) Lab, Universitat Rovira i Virgili, Tarragona ES 🌐 πŸ“’
Center for Collective Learning
- University of Toulouse
- Corvinus University, Budapest


Institut rhΓ΄nalpin des systΓ¨mes complexes (IXXI), Lyon FR 🌐 πŸ“’
Interaction Data Lab, Paris FR 🌐 πŸ“’
Centre for Complexity and Complex Networks, City University of Hong Kong HK 🌐
Agglomeration and Social Networks (ANET) Lab, Budapest HU 🌐 πŸ“’
Center for AI (CENTAI), Turin IT 🌐 πŸ“’
Centro Ricerche Enrico Fermi (CREF), Rome IT 🌐 πŸ“’
Complex Human Behavior (CHuB) Lab, Fondazione Bruno Kessler, Trento IT 🌐 πŸ“’
CoMuNe Lab, University of Padova IT 🌐 πŸ“’
IMT Lucca IT 🌐
ISI Foundation, Turin IT 🌐 πŸ“’
Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining Laboratory (KDD Lab), Pisa IT 🌐
Sony Computer Science Laboratories (CSL)
- Rome
- Paris



Complex Systems Department, Instituto de Física, Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México MX 🌐
Te Pūnaha Matatini, Auckland NZ 🌐
LASIGE, University of Lisbon PT 🌐
The Bartlett Centre for Advanced Spatial Analysis (CASA), University College London UK 🌐 πŸ“’
Bio-Inspired Computing, Complex Networks, and Human Dynamics Laboratory, University of Exeter UK πŸ“’
Indiana University Network Science Institute (IUNI), Bloomington US 🌐 πŸ“’
Network Science Institute (NetSI)
- Boston
- London



Santa Fe Institute (SFI) US 🌐 πŸ“’
Vermont Complex Systems Center, University of Vermont US 🌐 πŸ“’
Yale Institute for Network Science, New Haven US 🌐 πŸ“’

Other lists

Ordered alphabetically.


This list is only as awesome as the community makes it! If you have anything to add or suggest for this list, head over to the contributing guidelines for more info.