
Custom effect modals in AngularJS.

Primary LanguageCSS

Custom effect modals




  1. Clone this repository.
  2. Go into directory, and type grunt server / grunt example.

Bower Package

Name: ng-mk-modal-effect


angular: ~1.2.18
jquery: ~2.1.1


In Angular Controller (ref: Effect Types)
$scope.data =
    // Modal z-index can be customized here. (Optional)
    zIndex: 10
    // To show gray overlay or not. (Optional)
    showOverlay: false
    // mkmd-effect-[effectType]. Effect types are listed below.
    effect: "mkmd-effect-so"
    // Actually, only height, width, top and left can be set.
    // If none is set they are default values.
      height: "auto"
      width: "70%"

$scope.modalBeforeClosedHandler = () ->
  console.log "Modal is going to close!"

$scope.modalAfterClosedHandler = () ->
  console.log "Modal is closed!"
In Template
  • jade
button#modalTriggerBtn Open Modal

mk-modal(trigger-element-id="modalTriggerBtn", close-element-id="modalCloseBtn", data="data.modalData", before-close="modalBeforeClosedHandler()", after-close="modalAfterClosedHandler()", mk-modal-id="mainModal")
   span Content to show, Angular binding with your controller still works here.
   button#modalCloseBtn Close Modal!
  • html
<button id="modalTriggerBtn">
  Open Modal

<mk-modal trigger-element-id="modalTriggerBtn", close-element-id="modalCloseBtn", data="data.modalData", before-close="modalBeforeClosedHandler()", after-close="modalAfterClosedHandler()", mk-modal-id="mainModal">
      Content to show in modal, angular binding with your controller still works here.
    <button id="modalCloseBtn">
      Close Modal!
  • trigger-element-id

    REQUIRED! Id of the element on original page to trigger modal open event.

  • close-element-id

    OPTIONAL. Id of the element in modal to trigger modal close event.

  • data

    REQUIRED! Data of this modal.

  • before-close

    OPTIONAL. Handler to be run before modal closed.

  • after-close

    OPTIONAL. Handler to be run after modal closed.

  • mk-modal-id

    OPTIONAL. Specify respective modal id when there are multiple modals.

Effect Types

Effect Type Value Effect Type Value
Fade In and Scale Up fi Stand Out so
Slide from the Right sl Super Scaled ss
Slide from the Bottom su Just Me jm
Slide Down and Stick At Top sdsat 3D Flip Horizontal 3dfh
Slide Up and Stick At Bottom susab 3D Flip Vertical 3dfv
Newspaper n 3D Sign 3dsign
Fall f 3D Slit 3dslit
Side Fall sf 3D Rotate from Bottom 3dru
3D Rotate In from Left 3drr