
Webapp and API to easily create and share markdown dokuments.

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT


This is a application programming interface for managing markdown documents with real time collaboration features. This project is made for http://pori.hacklab.fi hacker community.

Hackpad API server

The Hackpad API server has been programmed with Go.

Database installation

Hackpad uses SQLite3 which means you can just open new database easily with the following command at the main folder of the project.

sqlite3 server/.hackpad.db < server/tables.sql

If you want to use another location from the server folder for storing the database file or another name for the database file then you also must do the corresponding changes in server/.hackpad.conf

Server configuration

The server/.hackpad.conf file contains the server configuration in json.

Parameter Meaning defaults
HTTPAddr HTTP address and port :10080
HTTPSAddr HTTPS address and port :10443
CertFile Certificate file location for HTTPS
KeyFile Certificate key file location for HTTPS
Sqlite SQLite3 database file session

Running the server

The server has been programmed with Go and it will return the web client at HTTPAddr location. You can start the server with the following command

go run server.go docs.go session.go account.go

You can also build the server and run it with the compiled file, but I like using go run for testing purposes.


Method URL P1 P2 P3 P4 Success Return
POST /account/ username password email OK 200
GET /account/id {"Username":"TMKCodes","Email":"toni@mussukka.org"}
PUT /account/ session username password email OK 200
DELETE /account/ session


Method URL P1 P2 Success Return
POST /session/ username password {"Session":"MXx8WFZsQnpnYmFpQ01SQWpXd2hUSGN0Y3VB"}
PUT /session/ session {"Session":"MXx8eGh4S1FGRGFGcExTakZiY1hvRUZmUnNX"}
DELETE /session/ session OK 200


Method URL P1 P2 p3 Success Return
POST /docs/name file session Created 201
PUT /docs/name session change {"Session":"MXx8eGh4S1FGRGFGcExTakZiY1hvRUZmUnNX"}
GET /docs/name {"Account":1,"Path":"/hello_world","Data":"Testing This file system creation","Created":1434932579,"Updated":1434932579}
GET /docs/name?long-pull=true {"ID":1,"Account":1,"Document":1,"Change":"+New Change","At":6,"Timestamp":1434932683}
GET /docs/name?list=true session
DELETE /docs/ session OK 200