Arduino library for asynchronous playback of PCM/WAV files direct from SD card Utilizes standard Arduino SD library, SD card and output device (Speaker, Headphones, Amplifier, etc) Documentation is available on the Wiki: Recent Updates Many new features have recently been added, and are in development. See the wiki: Features PCM/WAV playback direct from SD card Main formats: WAV files, 8-bit, 8-32khz Sample Rate, mono. See the wiki for other options. Asynchronous Playback: Allows code in main loop to run while audio playback occurs. Single timer operation: TIMER1 (Uno,Mega) or TIMER3,4 or 5 (Mega) Complimentary output or dual speakers 2x Oversampling Supported devices: Arduino Uno, Nano, Mega, etc. More! See the wiki